
As is typical, the Times posits that 2020 nonvoters are gonna make all the difference here and I think that's the wrong thesis of this election. I'll find out in November though.
Trump favored among people who could've voted in 2020 but didn't for some reason.
An election where a lot of people say they hate both candidates is one that will likely see a huge dropoff from 2020's historically high turnout. A lot of folks don't seem to be factoring that in.
It will also be an election that likely turns on which party drags their voters to the poll more than the other one. Guess which party is investing heavily in that & guess which one is having Charlie Kirk figure it out for them? lol
Sorry, no. This is an election which will turn on the election officials. Which votes get counted, who counts them, etc. There will be heaps of accusations of fraud and generally a huge cloud of dust thrown up.
My guess is turnout is somewhere between 2016 & 2020. Who turns out more will decide if Trump ekes out an EC win again.
Do I want November to come sooner or do i want it to take longer? Damn it. Not how any of this works.
Wait, is it controlling for "2020 voter eligible?" I just figured this whole phenomenon was a broad declaration that everyone who graduated high school via Microsoft Teams came out a low social trust moron, which is not entirely implausible.