
i have to admit that the every four year tradition of white progressives explaining to black progressives that no one actually likes the politicians black progressives have voted for is wearing thinner and thinner with me every time
Two many of us don’t understand that we’re in coalition and bolting out of the coalition at the first sight of trouble always looks us shitty.
It also reveals how hollow the claims of true solidarity are. The expect people to believe they'll be beside them whenever the great revolution finally happens but they can't even stay in the same coalition?
It’s deeply frustrating that mostly white lefties who claim they’re not Dems and weren’t certain to vote this year are whining about the DNC squashing Bernie Sanders yet again.
"Not me, Us" but haha not You was always the deal with them.
To be fair to the man himself, Bernie has been very loyal to Biden, and Biden consults with him frequently. It’s the folks he tends to surround himself with that tend to be the problem
He hired some shit comms people for sure
Yeah, I don’t know if he’s the best judge of character. Most of the folks he surrounded himself with have gone alt right or dirtbag left
Right. And since we're voting in an administration, I wasn't overly keen on that kind of decision making.
Not a fan of Obama's comm team right now myself.
I started to sour on them when they all defended Dr. Feelgood after he gave Trump the thumbs up for his physical. That they were willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt despite his obvious issues but won't for Biden and that they didn't see through that sham doesn't speak well of them.
Oh man...remember the whole "Bernie marched with MLK so that's why Black folks should worship him" bulls#@t?