
Hey I'm back so, did I miss anything?
People have gone from asking Biden to resign to arguing he should now seize absolute power.
The -most- hinged really, when you think about it
The biggest way I can tell people are lying when they said they feel uncertain and uncomfortable in their lives is they propose increasingly crazy solutions to problems without thinking them through. Biden has gotten too good at the job.
People are absolutely (and rightly) scared to death of a second Trump term and Biden not being comfortably ahead (like Hillary was) is making them want to grab hold of anything, whether that's a new candidate or Dictator Joe, to make them feel better.
(Honestly, the people who were going Genocide Joe two weeks ago who now want him to seize absolute power are probably the ones telling on themselves the most.)
that honestly surprises me, i thought all of them were "there's no difference btwn him and Trump" ppl
I sometimes comfort myself with “we’ll Hillary’s comfortable lead clearly didn’t mean much, so.”
Trying to tell myself that a close race in the polls will get people off their asses to vote.
Honestly, I think Democrats feeling overconfident in 2016 and 2020 was a real problem! I remember Jen O'Malley-Dillon taking to Twitter late in the campaign and going, "Guys, this race is a lot closer than you think. You need to get out there and vote." And she was right!
The 2020 Biden team had, by far, the clearest view of the electorate the entire year.
In the primaries, they understood “the primary voters are moving left, but they want to beat Trump more than anything.” In the GE, they got that “we have a lead, but not a huge one.”
I think they spent a little too much time and money trying to win back FL, OH, and IA, but I also think they pivoted and abandoned those late when they realized they weren't salvageable.
I’m definitely of the mind that with the many problems of modern polling, anything within 5 points is meaningless.
I am somewhat (very minimally) comforted that, since Trump is clearly now out of office, he has no immunity if he instigates another insurrection after he loses a close race.
They wouldn't be comforted by polls showing Biden ahead of Trump, they'd point to Hillary!
Eh, I think if he had started out ahead like he did in 2020 and showed no major slippage at any point, people would feel a lot better (like they felt in 2020).