Bill G

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Bill G

Warner Bros, Universal, Mattel, PBS, NPR, Dark Matter Mag, Feathertale, Bombay Literary, many others • Finalist: JF Powers Prize, Barry Hannah Prize | Top 50: Launch Pad Prose | Semifinalist: Stage 32 TV Comedy Screenwriting
Jeez I was told "schmuck" referred to the circumcised foreskin
OH MY GOD here's the Editorial Cartoon: Close-up, nine pins, each a Supreme. In the distance, down the alley, there's POTUS, bowling. Here comes the ball - it's labeled "Supreme Court Reform." Anyone draw this and sell it. I want half. Cheers!
"Solid blue states are turning purple." translation "Hundreds of thousands of people who hate fascism, racism, traitorousness, insurrection, rape, constant lying, and felony conviction have suddenly said, 'Ya know, what the hell. Let's give Trump another try.'"
The wiser among us will note that re: Biden's entire administration,
People, everything you do gives or takes away. If you want to broadcast how terrified you are at every bad thing bad people are doing, that's your resignation, and you're entitled to it. You could also choose courage, and anger, rather than fear. Your call. Peace out
(meanwhile, feel free to check history to find out which has accomplished the most for good people: words of fear, or words of courage and anger)
We need to have a discussion about why Superman never grew facial hair. Was he really fastidious about his appearance? Was it a religious thing? No testosterone, maybe? Did the light of the yellow sun shut down his gonads?
Biden's been a fountain of verbal gaffes his entire career long. STOP THIS INSANITY.
We need to get back to this
The theme song would do the set-up Netflix takes a whole season to provide. 🎵Dracula was really bored. When the flood came, his spirits soared! 'I can ride my coffin lid across the waves! Save Malibu kids from watery graves!' SURF DRACULA! SURF DRACULA! SUUUUUUUURF DRACULA! 🎶
Thanks much. I enjoyed visiting your website, also roger your regional bent. Our current projects aren't regional but would be easily regionalized. Any chance you could DM me a contact email I could use? Didn't see one on the FNA website or IMDb page. Thanks regardless. Cheers!
Superb. Congratulations on the first R4 sitcom- I hope you keep us posted here as things progress. Are you/your group open to querying right now? Also - what do you think of W1A?
What kind of comedy do you develop? Do I know any of the talent you've handled, or any shows you've worked on?
Check The IT Crowd pilot. BRILLIANT
"How could this guy ever become a surfer" would be answered in the show's theme. 🎵Dracula was getting board. When the flood came his spirits soared! 'I can ride this coffin lid across the waves! Save hot beach babes from watery graves!' SURF DRACULA! SURF DRACULA! SUUUUUUUURF DRACULA! 🎶
I'm sorry, "RTD" - ? thanks
Imagine it. Publishers, galleries, music labels investing long term in their artists, the agricultural model rather than the gold mine grift. So far in the past, receding quickly from memory.
Francis propagated the idea of God in nature, which influenced liturgical art, which made painters and sculptors want to paint more naturally, giving us ultimately the Renaissance. So you can feel AOK about Francis. fwiw.
Breakfast Club truly is of its time. The 'categories of student' trope was updated 20 years ago in Mean Girls. It's a struggle thinking of new ways to turn it, but I suppose it's possible.
Okay - so when you say 'self published' and 'booksellers' it sounds like you mean you're ordering print copies of your book, getting booksellers to agree to display and sell them, and then sending boxes of books to booksellers. Do I understand that correctly?
Hey thanks very much, I'm on it. 🙏
Bree, thanks much. Since I have you here: Is there one stand-out piece of advice you'd offer to someone who is considering self-publishing? In particular I've found marketing online to be beyond impossible. Worked Google Adwords etc (paid $$$) to no effect. Thanks for anything you care to share.
That's advice I will take. Roger your point in particular about many paths. This is true in so many of the arts. Thanks much.
Getting the feeling agency is an ahole minefield. Got a reply once, "Couldn't identify with your (50+ male) protag so..." Thankfully had another agent say much later that not personally identifying with a protag would never stop her. Others agreed. Taking any glimmer I can get here -
BREAKING: The mug of tea I just dropped. My glasses that slipped off as I bent over to pick up the pieces. The Pop-Tart that fell out of my mouth when I yelled DAMMIT. More breaking news as it develops.