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Artist avant garde. Awesome San Francisco dweller. Peace through strength.
In my opinion the whole thing was set up 2 look like he was shot. The secret service let him run the show they were 2 jump on top of him 2 shield him remember Regan ?That was supposed 2 happen. That Trump has killed people B4 2 pull things off 2 keep him in the WH Think about it ?
If you’re interested in whether or not the political reporting team at Rolling Stone is allowing itself to be ruled by emotional blackmail from some of the most politically cretinous people on earth, the answer is no. Latest from @andrewperez.bsky.social and me…
Evening Americans, 2 maro will B exactly 2 weeks since the worst debate in History took place the at the CNN studio"s in Atlanta. And the 2 moderators who in my opinion were TRUMPERS No fact checking no calling him out 4 lying.
Good Evening Americans, Trump has gotten a free pass his entire life, what he needs is a PRISON CELL for 4 years which is what he can B given when he is sentenced he thinks the new ruling by his bought & paid 4 SUPREME COURT is gonna get him out he has been convicted by 12 jurors in a court of Law.
They finally did it & made him a King The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Humpty Trumpty that what ever he does while in office he's Immune. Biden needs 2 have him arrested along with the C.Thomas, Alito, in exchange & hold him at Rikers till he signs a affidavit that he goes 2 Russia
Sotomayor's dissent is chilling: "When [the president]...orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."
Morning All, All I can say is its about Fucking Time, now if we can get Humpty Trumpty in a jail cell we'd B 2 or 2 Oh Steve is going 2 go through a hell of a Detox unless he knows how 2 put some pills up his poop shoot.
Happy Steve Bannon Goes to Prison Day for all those who celebrate
I find them very interesting myself. I'm amazed at how they just their fluttering in the air 4 how ever long they want 2 flutter.
I like Dragonflies! #invertebrates #dragonflies
Welcome back America, Trump has a habit of not answering the questions asked by the moderator was asked about child care and talks about the immigrants & was asked again about child care 4 a second time all he is doing is lying his ass off. LET THEM REMEMBER WHAT HE DID
Evening America, Debate night is here. The US. had the most people die from COVID under Trump not under Biden. Americans R the only people who can get Medicare & Social Security Mr.Trump Women R dying 51 years Roe was working fine 4 women. Let them all remember the shit the Orange Monster did.
Good Evening America, First it's debate night. Get em Dark Brandon. But first I have 2 say a few words about the worst response 2 a school shooting. It has taken exactly 2 years & 4 days 2 get indictment against the ex /Chief & one sheriff they need 2B convicted no deals.
Ur doing Gods work by peeing on the Roof of that Cyber truck.
my neighbor got a brand new cybertruck. gonna pee on the hood in the middle of the night. for community service
Well, this is a hoot the North Carolina Supreme Court secretly Squashed Discipline for 2 GOP Judges who admitted 2 violating Judicial Code why does that sound just like the shit they R trying 2 pull off in Washington with TRUMP & his Supreme Court that he bought & paid for VOTE BIDEN HARRIS 2024
First Happy Fathers Day 2 all, We all need 2 remember what happened in Washington almost 4 years ago & what Humpty Trumpty Orchestrated 2 take place. That project 2025 Shit 900 pages of some real crazy stuff I know Biden is old but he really cares about people Democracy needs 2B saved vote Biden.
I totally agree with U Faine they R the stupidest looking things I live in San Francisco & watching the no driver Taxis driving around & causing the biggest traffic jams in the world When a judge said they need 2 stop putting them on the streets. But the Cyber trucks look like Dumpsters 4 trash.
It does please me to know that Cybertruck owners absolutely are seeing us pointing and laughing at them when they dare to drive those stupid things in the wild
Well Molly, They R betting on Basketball, Football & Baseball already & have been 4 quite some time now they had me hooked into the shit never winning much, just enough 2 keep me betting on #FanDuelgambling
MLB is in bed with Draft Kings and Fan Duel. Players and umpires are starting to get suspensions for betting on baseball. It’s only a matter of time until gambling nukes the sport: open.substack.com/pub/mollykni...
MLB's Gambling Problemopen.substack.com The league suspended five players yesterday for betting on baseball. Its coziness with sports betting sites like DraftKings and FanDuel guarantees more trouble.
Morning Kids, 2 Day is the 80th anniversary of the day the US.& its allies hit Omaha Beach 2 attack the German forces There is one thing that is really fucking with my head is that when Trump was the President in 2019 & went 2 the 75th anniversary he did nothing except talk shit about everyone .
Morning All, The 2024 Election in the US. is the one true election everyone needs 2 vote because our democracy counts because of the Traitor Trump is trying 2 get back in the White House again. And everyone remembers Jan 6th.what he says he did not have anything 2 do with it. He is Dangerous
2024 is a mega election year and the EU elections are taking place this week. This is the 2nd largest election in the world - around 350 million people are eligible to vote. Just like the elections in India and the USA this year - this one is very important for coexistence on our planet.
Morning all, Ur statement calling Luka Doncic the Biggest Sicko that the NBA hasn't seen in years or at least since Michael Jordan was on the floor. Have the Mavericks signed Andrew Wiggins does anyone no? The Mav's R gonna beat Boston with Wiggins or not.
Congress Women Jackson Lee I'm not from Texas & don't know how the Politics run down there I'm from Ca And my roommate & I follow the happenings at CongressSenate & the W.H. And we know how hard it's been 2 get any work done 4 Country. Ur treatments will go well & U will B back 2 work B4 U know it.
Longtime Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Tex.) has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, she announced on social media Sunday, adding that she expects to be “occasionally absent from Congress” as she undergoes treatment.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas diagnosed with pancreatic cancerwww.washingtonpost.com The 74-year-old Democrat says she expects to be “occasionally absent from Congress.” Last year, she announced she would seek a 16th term in the House.
Morning all, Happy Pride Month 2 all enjoy Ur selves & by all means stay safe. My roommate & I will B attending the greatest Parade & Festivities of them all here in S.F. Ca.where we have live roommate was born in Cali & myself since 1976 from Chicago. DON'T 4 GET THE SUNBLOCK KIDS.
And a good morning 2U George & like U have stated 2 all who haven't been convicted of 34 felonies. Now I have been convicted of a few felonies & went 2 prison on them & it was over never did I act or think about acting out the way Humpty Trumpty did .
Good morning to everyone who wasn’t convicted of 34 felonies yesterday.
Humpty Trumpty looks like he's gonna cry go head Orange monster it's ok 2 cry we all have cried at times when we were found guilty in a court of law. Now he has 2 register as a felon & he might not B able 2 vote 4 himself I love it drag his ass through the woods & back.
I just would like 2 C the 2 of them throw Fisticuffs. Let's get ready 2 rumble.
i regret to inform you that martha-ann alito and ginny thomas are now legally obligated to have a breakdance fight
I have waited long enough 2 say something about these Clowns who R the Supreme Court Justices C.Thomas, S.Alito & we can't 4 get Virginia who was texting with White house Chief of staff Mark Meadows & now the Flag flying Martha. My ? is what is Roberts going 2 do about this they both need 2 recuse
Good Morning All, It was brought 2 my attention that there was a Flag flying upside down at Justice Alito's house on January 17th. a week after the riot at the Capital So now we have 2 Justice's wives involved in Jan 6th and both Justice's will not recuse from any Trump cases. WHERE IS THE JUSTICE ?
Lebron needs 2 just lay down & give the game 2 the youngsters. He will never play with his son,his son really isn't that good that's not just me Coach's & others have also said the same thing about the young man since he had the heart trouble on the court in July of 2023
i wonder if jj reddick talks to lebron james about accountability since he’s gotten over 100 players traded and plenty of coaches fired #nba
Morning 2 all, Well now we know that all the HIGH COURT wants 2 do is protect Donald Trump & make sure he can get back 2 the W.H. We might get him in the N.Y. case And I believe we might get lucky in Georgia. And now Arizona is in the game with fake electors.😁
Well the fun starts 2 maro with Humpty Trumptys Criminal Trial in New York. He is gonna have 2 sit & listen 2 how he did this & that. And how he changed numbers in books & other things & its gonna drive him out of his fucken mind oh how I wish I could B a fly on the wall in the court room.
That's why we cannot let Humpty Trumpty get any where near the White House again. I live in S.F. California & he scares me if he gets back in. He hates America & he hates Americans he literally wants 2 hurt all of us I know that its hard 2 believe but it is the truth.
A bill in Louisiana, HB 777, would make it a crime for librarians to use public funds to join the American Librarian Association or attend an ALA conference, punishable with prison time and hard labor for up to two years.
I know exactly how U feel George.
That’s the longest "minute" of my life.
Dozing off Humpty Trumpty was asleep period. The clown is high as a Georgia kite the pharmaceuticals that he has access 2 is out of this world The only thing Trumpy can relate 2 is trying 2 get back in the White House & getting rid of those other cases 4 good with his new AG. Moscow Marge
Dozing off then getting jarred awake to be alerted to some probably very serious paperwork I don’t want to look at is probably the most relatable thing Donald Trump has ever done.