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Coming back to Bluesky and you guys are all just yelling at NYT columnists? They’re right in this case, you know. Lot of groupthink on here imo
Take a deep breath, log off, go to sleep, debates generally don't matter
Reposted byAvatar Gil
Stuff like this is why I’m skeptical though, not a priori
I wonder if the debates were scheduled early specifically for this
Still time for him to serve a 6 month sentence before assuming presidency. Please do this judge it would be so good and AFAICT wouldn’t raise constitutional issues
Ok so I read this piece on what consciousness is and found it convincing and if it’s right it totally destroys the worldview. Here is the primary thesis (first image) and then two particularly illuminating paragraphs
Reposted byAvatar Gil
It's been clear for 25 years, but today really underscored that the only consistent principle among the court's conservative judges is the desire for conservative outcomes. Federalism, originalism, textualism -- they're all just a means to an end, readily abandoned when inconvenient.
Would anyone be interested in checking over 8 blog posts about constitutional design before I publish them?
If I were to try to use this site as my main outlet for politics instead of the other one, which accounts/feeds/lists should I look at. Looking for people who will share interesting facts/news/studies they find, not just takes. Especially looking for: evidence-based, mathy, center-left
Boris Johnson apparently supports Trump for weird pro-interventionalist reasons? Very odd
Ok so apparently lawyers are allowed to ask this stuff which means that, unless Republican jurors would lie to get on the jury, very good chance that there are no Trump voters on the jury for the DC case (This is the E Jean Carroll case)
I think there’s a good chance one day they look back at us as extremely weird/offensive for accepting race as a legitimate classification of people. Like religion, sure, that’s a real well-defined notion that divides people. But race needs not exist as a concept
I think Democrats should run like Israel Beiteinu (anti-orthodox but otherwise right wing) does in Israel : constantly accuse republicans of being controlled by religious maniacs who will stop at nothing to control your life
I continue to be baffled by the lack of discussion of a post-war future where Gaza is left to self-govern with no blockade, accomplishing half the Free Palestine mission. With Bibi losing power next election, it's a real (even if unlikely) possibility especially if Biden is pres
What qualifies a government as a terrorist group? When it’s an NGO I get that violence gets you classified as a terrorist group, but even non-terrorist governments use violence
So I feel like this is interesting enough to bring here, Matt Gaetz just outed the chair of the House Ways and Means committee as gay. Oh my fucking god.
Yup this case is getting delayed to hell
NEW: Judge Cannon sides with Trump in ongoing discovery dispute, scolding the special counsel in a new order that "production of classified discovery to defense counsel is deemed timely upon placement in an accredited facility in the Southern District of Florida, not in another federal district."
Study shows that decline of autonomous play in kids is major cause of increased mental illness/distress I do wonder how playing on a [ipad/phone/computer] fits into this. From my perspective these activities are very autonomous but kids might not see it that way, idk
From the other app, I still think Democrats shouldn’t criticize Israel bc the US doesn’t have much influence here and it would hurt them electorally, but err it’s getting dicey, especially since Jews are inefficiently located electorally
I’ve seen this multiple times at this point, where the poster acknowledges that the number of dead Israelis is low in absolute terms, and instead of taking that to mean you shouldn’t pay that much attention THEY UPWEIGHT THE NUMBER BASED ON ISRAEL’S POPULATION
I just discovered this and it feels surreal, like reading about interwar German elections
2006 Palestinian legislative election -
It is continuously amazing how much more objective people are about conflicts that they care nothing about (eg conflict between two random third-world countries) than they are about conflicts they have some sort of predisposition toward
Sorry to bring My Angle to this conflict, I know there are more important things to discuss there so feel free to ignore. But in a sane world this would be damning of Netanyahu’s competence and he would suffer in the next election for it. Not sure if that’ll happen here
This is shocking, and really reinforces my intuition that on average animal life is horrible and our ultimate goal should be to control all life on earth so we can limit this suffering
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