andrew W

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andrew W

catch me out there fighting for scraps of clout in your replies

This is all true about me in real life
Watching in bed now. RIP!
RIP to a fantastic actor, love to see him pop up in literally anything. My wife makes me watch Pride and Prejudice like 100+ times a year, and we always love seeing Donald constantly do shit like this to hide his distractingly perfect and period inappropriate blinding white veneers. What a guy!
I know that this article is about hellish systemic discrimination, but the quotes from this mother about her trans daughter are so refreshing. The simple human kindness on display really throws the hysteria behind the backlash into great relief. Transphobia is truly for fucking weirdos
stories like this give the lie to the idea that the right is interested in protecting these children. per their own narrative, this girl is a victim of “gender ideology” or whatever. but the reaction from the right is always hostility, ostracization and violence.
Mom of transgender girl athlete says Florida's investigation has destroyed her daughter's A Florida public school employee who faces firing because she allowed her transgender daughter to play girls high school volleyball assailed those who outed her child, saying Tuesday that the ensuing ...
Woaaaaaaaah what could this mean 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Damn in bluesky numbers this is one of the most brutal ratios I've ever seen
This whole article is fantastic but it culminates in what is one of the most triumphant and brutal takedowns of an entire institution that I have ever had the pleasure of reading
has anyone ever thought that maybe desire can sometimes cause a lot of problems
He's already got that great vampire costume from The Little Vampire
No thank you steam I'm actually getting enough of the capitalism and economy fest from other sources already
Oh no you're literally doing The Meme
End of feed.