andrew W

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andrew W

catch me out there fighting for scraps of clout in your replies

Reposted byAvatar andrew W
i can complain. its definitely an option
Reposted byAvatar andrew W
uninformed. moisturized. smarmy. in my priors. ignorant. posting.
Yeah as someone that went to catholic school I can attest to how the most absurd bullshit can seem normal when you're just swimming in it. But talking to your dad about your collective porn habits, that's a weird one no matter who you are!
Somehow it's the last one that is the most viscerally offputting. But overall I'd say: sounds bad!
I would read it! Love some dirty laundry on some bad politicians
Reddit gotta be the smuggest place on the internet
Oof but there was a guy flying in the air throwing spear bombs at a truck tho, idk
Damn one star is crazy you're a cruel film mistress
This man is sephiroth-posting at full volume
I agree and its been challenging to try and develop this on my own tbh. The more I read the more gets kinda unlocked for me, and also just hearing some people speak around concepts on podcasts has clued me in to some things too. But it's slow going
Look there are pros and cons to doing a ton of meth
I am basically just learning this and I am a grown ass man. Idk sometimes it's kinda hard not to be stupid
Also for media, I think when you (or I at least) first woke up to a lot of leftish values it was tempting to write off entire books/movies etc because of a single problematic element. Seems better to engage with that stuff and learn to articulate when and where something goes wrong
This is a concept that I'm trying to internalize just like broadly
Yeah I just had no idea really, this is good to know
Yeah sure but like sorry you gotta come to my place because, well
I forget what essay it was but yeah some of the stuff of like, just how deeply embedded misogyny is in our culture was really interesting. I haven't run across what she actually said on it I just know she gets dunked on sometimes as the "all hetero sex is rape" person. Anyway, thanks for the recs!
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NATO announced a new contract among its member countries agreeing that they would begin producing $700 million worth of Stinger missiles, a surface-to-air defense system. What do you think?
Thank you!! Dworkin is kinda controversial tho right? I've read some excerpts that seemed really incisive but I feel like some folks draw a line between her and TERFism
Should I not read their stuff then? It's hard to know who to listen to on this stuff given that even within trans communities there's disagreements. Like as someone that wants to learn about this stuff on an academic level, what should I read?
Do we have like a specific type of abnormality or is it more of a general thing? Would love to know more about this because as an American, when I travel frankly I feel implacably weird wherever I go
Reposted byAvatar andrew W
It is a weird. The counter intuitive level design and the fact that you can just barge into areas that break npc questlines just by stepping in them really soured the joy of exploration that was what I loved most about the base game. I'm still a sicko that lapped the whole thing up, but yeah
Ok, unfortunate typo in the first sentence making me sound like Mario, but I think he'd agree
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finally, a podcast episode I can fall asleep AND wake up to
🎆 New Bonus Episode 🎆 To celebrate hitting 1 million downloads, we’re proud to present our top 100 games from 2000 to 2009 in this massive 16-hour episode. Thank you all for listening and sharing the show over the years. It means the world. Listen + Tell a Friend: 💕
Oh what so I'm NOT supposed to empathize with evil goopy flesh planet spawn??
Watched TBD recently and it seems like it and The Witch basically set the tone and template for what would be the entire A24 indie horror oevre for the next half decade or so. I prefer The Witch but liked it well enough
Reposted byAvatar andrew W
got kicked out of Redwall for texting the Captain of the Guard that i was "gonna suck that dick like it was a hazelnut cordial"