Robin M Goffena

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Robin M Goffena

Tarheel Transplanted to TX... but the sky is still Carolina Blue 💙 She/her/y'all. Proud mom. Crazy 📚🐱🐶🐦🐝 lady.
My phone isn't cooperating so I can't find a spring/summer pic right now, but this is one of the last pics I took before we move (in Feb 2017, so nothing is blooming yet). That's one magnolia up against our garage & you can see the other one peeking over the roof beside the main part of the house.
Aww, Theo looks like my Clyde who was my buddy, shadow, soul-cat until he passed away in Sept after 13 yrs. Always my little man until the end 💔💝
These are of my cat Archer, who would curl up *in* the fire if we let him!
It's not exactly a pet pic, but we visited with a friend yesterday who has abt a dozen goats & has 2 sweet horses that are used for equine therapy that live on her property, too. My 10 yr old enjoyed visiting with them.
Do we need dual Christmas themed "cat cave" beds? No, of course not. Am I absurdly happy I got them? Yes, yes I am 🎄😉
Sad news, tonight. Had to say goodbye to my best buddy, my shadow, my heart pet, Clyde tonight. Advanced plueral effusion meant invasive, extensive treatment with no guaranteed quality of life, so I said goodbye with him purring in my hands. 14 yrs is a long time but not long enough 💔🌈
One of my favorite parts of the eclipse is seeing the "dragon scale shadows" (per my daughter). Caused either by the pinhole effect of the light through the leaves... or a shadow dragon 🤷‍♀️🐉
Partial eclipse! We're just a few miles north of being able to see the full ring of fire, but still pretty awesome! Nice warm-up for April ☀️🌕🥰
Just now In TX...just below Austin ☀️🌕
Let's go live to my bed... Yep, my 3 are taking Monty's advice to heart! (To be honest, though, this is pretty standard daily behavior.)
Happy birthday & welcome to the other side! 🥳💖 (Someone will show you the secret handshake later 😉😂)
A book's a book 🤷‍♀️ These are 2 of the 4 books my 4th grader just brought home after library day this week. 😏 (I'm not sure she's read the basketball fairy one but if not, that's probably only bc her school & our local library doesn't have it.)
We're going to put something more reliable in next year. What we have now tends to overheat or sticks when it gets into the high 90s/100s, which kind of defeats the purpose 🤷‍♀️ Thankfully my housesitter kept my flowers alive, so that's better than nothing. The butterflies & my bees appreciate that!
End of feed.