Rich Seviora

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Rich Seviora

beards and tech
I maintain that Bridgerton should’ve have the Duke be gay in season 1. Seriously, him and Daphne are peak gay guy and BFF snarking at the straights
hm I dreamed about being inside a video game but it turns out that the video game also didn’t exist either IRL
America can you fucking not Just stop this nonsense it’s exhausting
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I am unironically thankful that the Cybertruck exists what other vehicle can provide us this level of schadenfreude day in and day out art comes in many different forms
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IDK why Marvel's most recent offerings, like "what if your ex has cancer", and "the one with the animal torture" aren't more popular
The best thing about The Acolyte is that they haven’t fucking mentioned Tatooine once.
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Current google search history of that Fulton County judge: "georgia civil contempt" "georgia civil contempt vs criminal contempt" "sex party communications" "ex parte communications" "absolute immunity judges" "best vacation spots in June" "best vacation spots in June not Georgia"
Me, hopeful: “oh wow I can’t wait to see Carrie-Ann Moss in The Acolyte!” [three minutes in] “Well… I guess I’ll keep watching anyway.”
clearly the solution is to use consistent hashing and make pride months two months long to figure out when each city should have its pride months what do you mean I’ve spent too much time on systems designs questions
No you should absolutely not watch those videos. Traumatizing yourself will do absolutely nothing to improve the situation.
Israel is currently massacring refugee tent camps in Rafah. The videos are all horrific but you should go watch them anyway
Reposted byAvatar Rich Seviora
What's kind of amazing is that we're actually living through a huge technology revolution where our entire power grid is being replaced by solar panels and battery storage and you hear less about it in the press than you did about the totally fake "tech" of NFTs
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[doing a Google search in 2012] having instant and reliable access to relevant websites is fine, but I’d really prefer to have all my questions answered by a deranged version of Microsoft Clippy that tells me to eat glue
This JLo vehicle Atlas could’ve been a good movie if they removed this JLo person
Hmm realizing that my first BF dumping me to go date some other dude limit also have contributed to my trust issues
Am I annoying people by challenging whether an Australian rights holder that tweeted his copyrighted work can sue another Australian for infringement for reuploading it to Twitter outside of the fair dealing test? Maybe
People are talking about FF7 being a clear metaphor for ecoterrorism when it’s actually about illegal immigration
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Every time this comic comes up on my Facebook feed, it gives me so much joy. Artist is Nick Maskell and you can find his awesomeness here:
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me: no one believes me when i say there's a secret race of horse-people therapist: try to ignore the naysayers me: the fucking who
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the cybertruck 🤝 the aliens from "signs" cool premise but fucking stupid they can't get wet and are on earth
Reposted byAvatar Rich Seviora
(slaps roof of Cybertruck) This baby has so many different ways to kill you! (realizes roof now has huge dent from slap)
these things happen
Vulcans are really fucking racist. Kinda makes you wonder why they’re in the federation.
I think it’s the beard.
Quote with a picture of a celebrity you've been told you look like. Personally I don't see the resemblance but I'll take it.
I have been watching the XMen Animated Series, and would like to present to you this original episode: Charles: [screaming] Jean Grey: [fainting] Wolverine: “Bub” Rogue: “Sugah” Gambit: “Cherie” Cyclops: “Wolverine stay in line!” Storm: “HEED MY WORD”
Reposted byAvatar Rich Seviora
TFW even pbs is dunking on you
Tired: Jehova’s witnesses Wired: Jenova’s witnesses
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After all the times he’s dismissed everyone else as bootlickers, I can’t imagine a better end to the Taibbi story than trying and failing to lick a billionaire’s boots
Lol. Taibbi shared this text exchange between him and Musk "Elon, I've repeatedly declined to criticize you"
UPS currently claims that my shipment is still on its way to me today. I admire the optimism. 🙂
i have had a cold since January 1st. Last Sunday I lost my voice and it's still fairly reduced. Colds suck. Even if I am the only person at work tomorrow.
ok I've started spending more time here and there's way too many people talking about Bill Ackman