
any idea what’s driving this? i know crime has generally been coming down from the spike a few years ago but this is a *wild* drop
And speaking of Baltimore, I'm sure my followers are waiting on pins and needles for my latest update on our astonishing fall in homicides. The wait is over! 😏
like is larry hogan a serial killer or…?
I have a theory. There’s like 5 separate entities of the criminal justice system in Maryland and it takes a competent administration to coordinate them. Both Brandon Scott and Michael Harrison complained that under Hogan no one was getting notified when someone cut their ankle monitor for instance
The Roy McGrath story is the most insane story ever that nobody talks about
Still waiting for Hogan to be asked this (or something similar) for the first time after 18 straight months of falling crime that started the nanosecond he left office
In some ways, the fact that we went through the death of Freddie Gray years before BLM matters: our police officers already passed through stages like Anger, Denial, and Bargaining, and are closer to Acceptance (or the need to change, and the fact that people who say this are not just cop-haters.)
I remember it took the FBI to sorta clean up the Schenectady NY cops. Just the most venal and corrupt POS I ever had the displeasure of dealing with repeatedly. Openly crooked and always drunk.
FWIW homicides in DC are also down 26% this year so far, so Baltimore-specific explanations might not give the whole picture
Everyone got plum tuckered out
Fun one for the correlation/causation crowd: this is happening both while there’s a years long officer shortage and where the mayor flat out refused the States Attorney’s call to heavily police quality of life crimes
the more i read about policing the more convinced i am that we just flat-out do it wrong. and i don't even just mean the militarization of recent decades - just sociologically
obviously not the only factor but the start of the divergence seems to line up very well with legal cannabis taking effect in maryland in summer 23. throw in a full employment economy and a mayor who isn’t a complete shithead on crime and cops
i have no idea just wanted to say this is a really weird way to present this data imo
you thinking yoy changes with a 0 y-axis?
feel like a bar graph would work better?
oh maybe. although i think the gap is so big that the presentation still works
This chart shows the changes in run rate throughout each year as well. That additional dimension of context that is lost with a bar chart
oh yeah forsure you'd lose the tail end of 2023 which seems important
One other thing not yet mentioned in your replies that helps explain the overall fall of homicide is that Shock Trauma and the doctors have gotten better and better at saving lives. Shot victims don’t become homicides as readily. But it doesn’t explain the one and two year drop that a policy might
Nonfatal shootings are also down 30% year over year through June in Baltimore (homicides down 36%). The vast majority of the homicide decline is from fewer shootings, though Baltimore did invent shock trauma and we are very good at it
Dropping below pre-COVID numbers is pretty insane. Portland's murder rate is dropping too but is still much higher than 2019. Whatever is happening, good for Baltimore and I hope it continues
Criminal justice reform takes a while to show results. Was there a major reform bill that was passed in 2021 or 2022?
I was ready to credit the polar vortex but it looks like the trend broke hard June 23. Some of the articles show that not just homicides but most violent crime is down 20-30% in 24. It looks like it's been slowing down even more in recent months.