
they came for abortion they're coming for IVF they're coming for birth control it's never going to stop
The 5th Circuit grants a Texas father the right to deny his daughter access to birth control, holding that Title X does not override parents' "right to consent to their teenagers’ obtaining contraceptives" under state law. (via
I legit was raised in homeschooling indoctrination and went to a "leadership school" that tried to condition me to be one of authoritarian Christianity's culture warriors, and believe me: they are more than just a bunch of "dumb fundies", they are zealous and they have a coordinated movement
they are the most organized and successful political group in America
*waves in Fellow Weapon That Rebelled*
anyone who isnt cis white christian *dude is property -conservatives in america *its gotta be my brand of jesus tho
“My brand of Jesus” is the stumbling block, of course. Within ten years of the forthcoming Dominionist takeover we’re going to get a reprise of the Thirty Years War, with nuclear bombs.
Fuck I actually kind of want to see that now. Sure, my skin peeling off from radiation poisoning will suck, but that's just in the cards of being surrounded by a gaggle of insane racists. Ya gotta take the entertaining with the bad!
Don't forget wealthy "healthy" (wherein it won't be what's actually healthy but what projects the image they want to project), and free of any disabilities. They have a very narrow view of who deserves to have a good life, and that changes on their whims too.
Whenever they say Christian nation, ask "Which denomination?" For example, some denominations think Catholics aren't actually Christian. So who is deciding what is Christian and what criteria are they using?
I once saw a protest sign that read "they're coming for your shoes" and isn't that it in a nutshell
They want all women barefoot and pregnant, and if they're too old to bear children they can just die.
Remember when they were all het up about not wanting sharia law in this country? They don’t dislike Iran as much as they think they do.
As an Iranian I can confirm, now with beards making a comeback all your men need are those dumb aqeeq rings and they too can turn their country into an abject shithole and go back in time by a couple of thousand years.
It was never going to stop and I regret I was too arrogant and scared to realize it before it was too late.
But have you considered that I'd much rather believe that there's a natural and moderate stopping point at which theocrats and fascists will dust off their hands and say "yep, we only ever wanted to get to this point"?
It's not the Borg. The theocrat and fascist crowd contains multitudes of people so whackadoodle that there will never be an end to it.
Because woman and kids are not humans. We are toys for them to control. Our lives don't matter except for one thing. Breeding. Okay maybe two things, taking care of the fucking house.
Control womb, they control the world.
I hope she curses him to the grave, and I wish her the best. May she grow beyond, and may he rot in sad disappointment.
Oh it gets better. None of his three daughters requested birth control, two were adults at the time of filing, while the third was by most accounts an adult, but he contends that she was a minor, and so this is “the daughter” specified in the decision.
Yes, they've been admitting it was their goal for decades. But too many voters and politicians didn't take the warnings seriously. So instead of better protecting rights before they could be lost now it's a matter of fighting to get them back or giving into a growing movement of theocratic tyranny.
And interracial marriage.
Actually I am pretty sure Congress passed a bill to protect that one. Looking.
One the one hand it’s good (also also a shitty law re same sex couples) the other hand I don’t trust SCOTUS.
we can never stop fighting. which sucks
I don’t understand how people can STILL have their heads in the sand about this
I literally told my gynaecologist today that if I was ever to end up working in the US again I wanted to make damn sure I had a permanent birth control solution. So getting my tubes removed, which is covered here. I wish I could airlift everyone to BC.
My dad, who was a devout Catholic & probably didn't agree with abortion, but he absolutely wanted me on BCP as a teenager. NOT because he thought I was sexually active but because the doctors recommended it for my cysts and he was smart enough to listen to them.
It can't stop, because there always has to be something new they can stir up their voters over, some new culture war to win, something new to fundraise off of. Plus, if they stop, voters might realize how little of it has actually helped them.
And don't forget marriages they disagree with, first same sex, then different races.
It isn't over. They want to repeal Dobbs. They're champing so hard at that bit they might as well be in a leather harness, too.
I was called an alarmist years ago for pointing this out. What saddens me is when Roe fell two years ago and I finally won a 16-year war to get a tubal ligation, I figured I didn’t know if I’ll ever find a partner. Slut renaissance in my 40s? But either way, better armor up. Sadly, I was right.
They've started hinting at the big bomb - removing women's right to vote.
Well if they would vote like their husbands or fathers told them to, it wouldn’t be a problem.
They’re still coming for abortion. There is going to be an abortion ban on the federal level in a couple of years, either through legislation or because of a SCOTUS ruling. Probably both.
It's been plain as day, they told me so. :/
The part I have had to stop pulling my hair out over is the incongruity with infant mortality. They don't actually care about those numbers. :(
Forced pregnancies are the real goal, because that's how women can be resubjugated, returning us to the role and status of chattel property. The patriarchist movement is real. #PassTheERANow
They’re coming for voting rights and bank accounts, too.
Even if they get everything they want, that won't be enough. They'll find new ways to horrify us.
And of COURSE it's the Fifth Circus.
Don't fret. I have it on good (bullshit) authority from a DC law school student that Congress just needs to act, and all will be well.
What about frozen sperm? Is that life?
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Fucking 5 circuit. It's a guaranteed conservative win if you file your case there.
The Ds' have had 50 Years to codify Roe v. Wade, instead they have used it as a Fund Raiser and Vote Grabber. You know Grab 'em by the Uterus. Same with Gun Control, Climate Chaos and M4A