
The 5th Circuit grants a Texas father the right to deny his daughter access to birth control, holding that Title X does not override parents' "right to consent to their teenagers’ obtaining contraceptives" under state law. (via
This is an appeal from a Matt Kacsmaryk decision and is significantly *less* extreme than his judgement, which concluded the relevant part of Title X unconstitutional + threw out regs that weren’t before him & hadn’t even existed when the plaintiff filed suit
More to the point, the 5th once again finds standing based on the thinnest of grounds, as there's no evidence at all that said daughter had sought birth control or ever intends to. No need for actual pesky cases or controversies any longer.
That preemption logic is literally nonsense. We know what congressional intent was, and that was to allow minor children access to contraceptive services without requirements for parental consent. Texas's law is in direct conflict. Federal law must prevail.
Especially, as I just posted, because it hinges on the FATHER'S religious liberty while completely ignoring his THREE DAUGHTERS' religious liberty. I do not recall an age of rights mentioned anywhere in the Constitution or its amendments.
The Right (and law school students who are too-smart-for-school, apparently) wants to have it both ways: Blastocysts are full humans but children must obey their cultish parents. Cool, cool. Cool.
If you're old enough to become pregnant, you have the absolute right to reproductive care. It's so mind bogglingly simple.
Children (and bundles of cells) have absolute rights when those rights can be exercised for them by conservative Christians (parents, judges, legislatures). Once they’re old enough to have interests that deviate from conservative Christianity, their rights are subject to the others’ approval
They want the law to protect white Christian conservatives and everyone else to have to do what they say. All their takes make sense that way
Just proving the George Carlin bit without a hint of self-awareness.
...probably also no indication if birth control is prescribed for avoiding pregnancy or reducing/avoiding period pain and suffering. If it's the latter "dad" is pushing pain and suffering as a power trip.
Does the plaintiff even have a daughter?
He has three, and at this point 0 to 1 of them are minors
0 to 1 of them will still be talking to him after this. Hope he has fun dying alone.
Reminded of Schrödinger's cat. There might or might not be one. 1 or 0, but in this legal case it apparently doesn't matter if there is one.
In 10 years they will all go no contact.
I'd love to know more about this plaintiff. who backed this for him?
Just a note that there is only a 19% chance of getting a 5th Circuit panel with a Democratic majority as there are more Trump appointees than Clinton+Obama+Biden ones combined.
Is there any merit to the idea of changing Kacsmaryk’s seat to a panel and putting two more judges in there to offset his ideological extremism?
The Judicial Conference has just changed the rules so that this kind of case is randomly allocated within the whole district, not just the division, exactly to shop this kind od judge shopping.
Kacsmaryk is a waste of oxygen.
Children are people with rights, too. Parental rights is code for child abuse
Any person who's old enough to be fertile should have the right to control their fertility.
All the “parents matter” people last year in the Texas legislature were looking for ways to control their children’s choices.
exactly, children are not chattels
It also depends on the privacy rights implied in the 14th Amendment that they say don’t exist. These are people who “rehome” adopted children, like they have to move into an apartment and can’t take their pets, though, so 🤷🏼‍♀️
How’s come Amish kid’s welfare wasn’t taken into consideration for Wisconsin vs. Yoder?
Parental rights isn’t code for child abuse. I exercised parental rights (and still do) when I have to make decisions for my adult disabled child. It’s not fucking child abuse. I protected her via parental rights. Do many parents abuse it? Absolutely. However, it in and of itself isn’t abuse.
Well dude, have fun being one of those parents who is about to never again have contact with your children (and grandchildren!) once they turn 18, and complaining on Facebook about how your kids have cut you off "for no reason," people are so mean about politics these days!
She should sue him for emotional distress so she can afford allllllll the therapy.
The daughter isn’t even seeking birth control. But if she was, her father should be liable for child support for the entirety of the theoretical child’s life. If he’s so damn insistent on having his minor child have a baby, he should be tasked with raising and supporting it.
And should she actually need it for hormonal reasons! Imagine wanting your child to suffer
I think these people relish in their child(ren) suffering
Agreed. Or they’re like obsessed w power
Oh dang. It was awful to begin with but now there’s an extra layer of vileness
(To be clear, the daughter in question never actually tried to get birth control. Dad just wants to preemptively block it just in case.)
Hope she doesn’t wait until she’s 18, but goes ahead and files for emancipation
Children are not possessions.
Well, you say that.... I'm not entirely sure that is legally true anymore.
Yeah it was once legal to own and abuse people. Not sure that is a defense:
FYI, wasn't defending it. Just saying we seem to be headed backward.
Sorry, I wasn't implying you were. It just seems moral to recognize children as people.
No offense taken, just clarifying. And YES it is moral to classify children as people (and YES a teen girl should be able to get birth control, whether parents like it or not). Teens do stuff, it's kind of their big thing. Some of that is stupid or dangerous, so denying the protection is foolish
Ah yes, the regular reminder that children are objects to be possessed and controlled rather than people with agency and rights.
This! This is exactly right! We still live in the rule of man. A time when women and children were only as good as their productive work to the head of household. Wife not having children, off load her at the state institution. Children not worth enough cows and land? Abandon them too!