
if anyone ever makes fun of me in a discord chat, please do not show it to me, I prefer to live in my bimbo bliss and I think it’s okay for people to not like me because I am annoying
I am sure there are lots of people who think I am insufferable and may they continue to vent to each other in peace out of my sight and thought processes
i find this very difficult to believe micah tbh
there are 800-something people blocking me darth I’m sure some people are like “ugh that guy” it happens with us all
u are just caught in the incidental splash damage micah because u follow a wide range of people i believe this
your faith in me is touching darth I am honestly happy about many of them every time I post about how trans people are pretty cool actually I pick up some blocks and who needs those people anyway only a couple folks who I’m like, actually I think we would probably get along but so it goes
You know, and this might be another whistle in the wind, but I don't trust men easily You however
if there aren't 800 people blocking me yet, it means the Other Side of the romance community is busy fighting on threads still 🤣
there did appear to be… several blood feuds in romancelandia from my recollection as a lurker
as once observed, the reason we're so terrifying on the internet is that when some external party hasn't rather foolishly drawn our collective ire, we're leveling up by brawling each other.
I mean it's good practise right?
I believe I lovingly compared you to Warhammer 40k Orks who battle each other constantly but if ever provoked into a united front they're the most powerful force in the universe.
I feel I've earned every block. And I am OK with that.
I am honestly surprised you and Micah get blocked by lots of people, since the two of you seem awesome. I can only assume that the people blocking you both just don't see you both got good hearts.
I think people follow me when I do a funny post and then realize 90% of my feed is political and I post too much and have an opinion about everything and that's a good recipe for being blocked
this also happens to me “oh lovely discworld post” -> follow -> “oh no too much politics”
Most of my blockers seem to start off in the mentions, it's got to the point where I can 90% successfully predict who will be blocking me about 2 sentences into a conversation, my posts are obviously perfect and never offend anyone
Half my posts are pop culture and writing related, half are politics. I am obviously not as big as y'all but it will come up one way or another "Why are you posting about stupid movies there are more important things" or "oh my god I thought you were a movie person stop with the politics"
You can’t make a Tomlette without breaking a few Greggs
I barely know you but you seem almost cartoonishly sweet. Although the avatar does a lot of heavy lifting.
and even if they like interacting with you sometimes, I think it’s fine! like it’s okay! it’s not that serious!
This is exactly how I feel
The "honesty" apps where people anonymously tell you what they really think of you terrify me. I live in fear of finding out what people really find out about me, who the hell wants to go digging for that? (People horny on main, that's who)
personally I could v much use some Bimbo Bliss™ in my own brain. no thoughts, head empty 🧘🏻‍♂️
I will go to my grave insisting other peoples’ opinions of me are not my business
I feel the same about work. I am DOUBTLESS shit-talked on the daily. And that's fine. It's great! Keep it behind my back.
if you’re going to shit talk behind someone’s back, keep it out of sight. don’t make it anyone else problem! you don’t need to enact a crusade! you’ll get so much more mileage BEC than trying to start shit! i promise!
I hope anyone who hates me has the clarity to just block my annoying shit and move on with their lives. I want to wish them well, but without it actually involving them or I ever having to spend *any* time thinking about each other, ever again.
I couldn’t give a flying fuck. What a waste of anyone’s time.
There's almost certainly some people out there who absolutely hate Discworld and who dislike you by proxy. With that said I do not wish to understand the mind of somebody who dislikes Discworld.
A friend of mine dislikes Pratchett because "he's so mean," which I think is her reaction as a fat person to the treatment of fatness in Maskerade
Personally, I find you tolerable 😊