Richard John Davis

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Richard John Davis

Engineer, TTRPG creator, forever GM.
I've come to the realisation that I'm going to need to make a new version of the map for Astraria, but I haven't yet decided on the style. Plenty out there that look great, but I want to try and keep a consistent feel to things...
A couple of weeks ago my PC started to work weird, longer loading times, key smash delays, weird memory hiccups. There was NO indication that Copilot was running OR even installed at all. I ran this command line ⬇️ and VOILÀ! Suddenly everything runs smoothly again! WTF MICROSOFT. Fuck you! 🤬
If your win10 install is pushing Copilot on you: 1. Run PowerShell as Administrator 2. Paste: Get-AppxPackage *CoPilot* -AllUsers | Remove-AppPackage -AllUsers 3. Press Enter (There will not be any output if it is successfully removed) 4. Reboot Repost to save a life
I wanna be critically clear: this whole account's deal is an amazingly beautiful simpsons assassin AU, and has less than 300 followers: unserious website, you know nothing of art
Finally finished this one
Getting word that Larry the Chief Mouser of Downing Street has coasted to another peerless victory with no opposition and 100% of the vote, truly Britain’s greatest statesman
UK election results: The Labour Party has wiped out the Conservatives in an election bloodbath, according to the exit poll. If borne out by results, it means the party's leader Keir Starmer will be anointed as Britain’s 58th prime minister — ending 14 years of Tory rule.
I'm honestly annoyed that I went to vote before seeing the BBC coverage of the pets at polling stations. Ted could have been famous.
Hi #TTRPG folks, I've finished the first rough draft for my "Views of Astraria" which I'm going to be including alongside the game once it's finished to help flesh out the setting. I was hoping some of you may be inclined to take a look and leave some feedback, thanks.
Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software – Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software – Canva
i've always loved the Terry Pratchett Boots Theory of socioeconomics but it's really striking now how it's slowly becoming inaccurate bc so many companies straight up do not make good products anymore. not even rich people can buy things that aren't designed to break in 3 years bc they don't exist
I got really lucky with my neighbours, one's just invited me over for a whiskey tasting this evening 🥃
Don't be too much in awe, but whilst meal prepping I only managed to break a glass and kock a pan off the stove once. Fuck my life.
Oh no I broke a glass when washing up! I guess I should take this as a sign to have a beer and watch some TV instead of meal prepping as I was going to do...
I’m loving this variation on a cycle plot published by the Financial Times today: By Jana Tauschinski
dad last month: want a signed copy of the Two Towers? me: ARE YOU SERIOUS dad: sure will send with your cousin 1 month later: me: I got the book Dad: good me: This is signed by someone called Ajay Dad: Yes obviously why would I give you a book signed by Tolkien and not keep it are you crazy
After fostering him for a few weeks, I've completed the adoption process, and now Ted has his forever home, and I have the chillest dog ever.
New: Bellingcat and followed one IDF battalion’s movements across Gaza, geolocating their social posts to highlight IDF involvement in systematic destruction of Palestinian land and livelihoods:
“We’ve Become Addicted to Explosions” The IDF Unit Responsible for Demolishing Homes Across Gaza - Bellingcat investigates the demotions carried out by the IDF in Gaza.
First proper day off in a long while, and all I intend to do with the rest of the day is play pokemon and watch trash TV with a small amount of day drinking. Love it.
I've been bitten by the Arma 3 bug again, send help.
Last night I managed to run a very brief and last-minute playtest of the ttrpg project I'm working on, I got some great feedback. I still have lots to do but people seemed to enjoy it so fingers crossed it keeps getting better 🤞
Successfully helped my brother move today, whoever built the stairs of his previous place, fuck you.
Mausritter character portraits done on a whim. 2024-01-13 Free to use (CC0)
I went on @PopularFront_ to talk about encrypted phones, Iran hiring Hells Angels for a hit on US soil, and 404 Media more broadly. Independent media talking independent media. As a paid subscriber to Popular Front, encourage you to check it out
‎Popular Front: Hell's Angels, US Assassinations, and the Iranian Regime on Apple ‎Show Popular Front, Ep Hell's Angels, US Assassinations, and the Iranian Regime - Feb 6, 2024
It's been a stupidly busy week but I'm just about moved into my new place. Commute time is now down from 1 hour to 15 minutes, it's bliss.