Russell Lee-Goldman

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Russell Lee-Goldman

He/him. Language learning (CJK), linguist, Wheel of Time enthusiast.
This post no longer makes any sense to me and I’m very happy about that.
Let's just say there was an email exchange at work a while ago that didn't really make much sense to me, but makes a *lot* of sense now.
It absolutely was not.
"I don't want to hear you!" "I don't like your face!" Is this the beginning of the end of my preferred-parent status?
The kids don’t care about use/mention, they say. 4yo: Once upon a time there was a unicorn named “my pet” Mom: Oh, “my pet?” 4yo: No, “my pet!” #linguistics
"one of the most horrible for it plants" is an amazing structure. #linguistics
Saw this headline: "After years of avoiding Magic: The Gathering, the new Hatsune Miku set looks like the final nail in the coffin for me". Is this a tad semantically weird? "final nail in the coffin" applying to "managing to avoid doing something" just seemed a bit wrong at first. #linguistics
Any research on “necessarily” as a hedge/negation downplayer? A: Why don’t you like egg yolks? B: I don’t necessarily like the texture. #linguistics
Sloppy anaphora with NCA! Me: Mommy has some sharp parts of her teeth. But it doesn’t hurt. LO: Yeah it doesn’t hurt either. I think LO interpreted my utterance as something like “…to me” or maybe “to mommy” when I was going for more …generic, I guess? Not really sure myself. #linguistics
The fact that I could catch a friggin' solar eruption with this... I'm just... Damn. 250mm focal length with my canon dSLR, unworked and unrefined picture.
It seems the kid has (what I think of as) the East Asian style of yes/no, which say "I agree/disagree with what you said". Vs the English "I assert something positive/negative." But I usually forget this, which leads to frustration! Example in reply #linguistics
More syntactic shenanigans from the nearly-4yo. I saw a ball rolling away from them towards the opposite wall. Me: How’d that ball get over there? LO: By me! #linguistics
Me: After we brush we can do it a couple more times. LO: How couple? Me: What? LO: How many times? #linguistics
I am kinda wrecked by the realization that Toriyama always drew babies based on his own kid... just these perfectly round little beach balls in overalls.
Conversation analysis for kids: is it a thing? (#linguistics) Last night my 3.75yo was sitting on my lap during a video call with her grandpa. I made the first move towards finishing the call by saying (iirc) “all right I think that’s what we need” and she immediately said “bye grandpa!” 1/2
formal #linguistics question: if clausal subjects in English are CPs in Spec,TP, why would they trigger 3sg agreement? is there a consensus answer to this?
Do you think it's cool that Indigenous communities have adapted Wordle-style games to support language revitalization? doesn't! They just put a 1-day DMCA takedown hit on them, and the volunteer time, knowledge, and labor put into those learning resources are gone now. V poor form, NYT.
There's a Wordle for that: Word game adapted for Indigenous The Gitksan Wordle was created by Victoria software developer and linguist Aidan Pine
My phone's bluetooth randomly insists that I want to listen to Taylor Swift's Red album whenever I turn on the car. Today I relented and listened to "22". The amount of /u/ fronting was kind of amazing to me! And I watched some live performances and there's like zero lip rounding!
And in contrast, this! #linguistics
Just watching some Magic and witnessed a super fluent island (??) violation and an immediate self-repair with a resumptive pronoun. Link in reply. “I’m going to play a Blood Artist, which I think we all know what does .. uh what it does.”
Absolutely top-notch metonymy from the LO. They’re sitting on the bed and mom’s pumping machine is running. LO’s foot is near it, and they say, “I can feel the sound on my foot.” #linguistics
Obviously everyone's situation is different, but: - if possible, consider living in a place where you can commute or accomplish some errands on transit/bike/foot - if you're a two+ car household, see if you can get away with one fewer - get a sedan instead of an suv or pickup truck
Just watching some Magic and witnessed a super fluent island (??) violation and an immediate self-repair with a resumptive pronoun. Link in reply. “I’m going to play a Blood Artist, which I think we all know what does .. uh what it does.”
The LO was very upset that we didn’t understand the “balance dance” that we bought at the store to give her teachers and friends? Tears were nearly flowing before I guessed correctly: valentines! #linguistics I suppose
Question about syntax acquisition. Mom: Can I wear your new glasses? 3.5yo: No, they’re too small to wear. Just curious: where is the field on understanding what’s going on here? Is there a set of plausible structures (and/or null items etc)? Just curious. #linguistics
Hi, I'm Emily and I'll be adding linguists and other social scientists to the Science 🧪 feed! Reply here with links to your work (ORCID, Google Scholar, lab/department/professional website, etc) and I'll add you to the list. 🐦🐦
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“Humans are so afraid of the void…” She hit the nail on the head. So much short-sighted behavior humanity engages in is based on the fear of not existing. We’d all be better off if billionaires stopped fixating on fantasies of immortality and instead worked on improving conditions for everyone.
Carlin's daughter
LO also uses “any” words as negative pronouns, like Me: Okay, what DO you want for lunch? LO: Anything! (ie, I don’t want lunch) It occurred to me that free-choice “any” Is basically antithetical to everything a preschooler is. Me, give up control?!? #linguistics
Love the LO’s nominal negations. Most recently they said “There’s none things in my mouth” #linguistics