the ghost of tegel airport

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the ghost of tegel airport

hi i'm nick from seattle
they or he
"nikvo" on discord
english, esperanto, español si estás paciente conmigo
Wondering if I get burnt out so much because I don't have summer vacation anymore. Everyone needs a couple months every summer to fuck around
Nationalized soft rent control is pretty baller actually
unlocked "Biden will unveil a new plan in NV today to cap rental prices nationally, calling on Congress to pass a bill to give landlords the option to cap rent increases in existing units at 5% or risk losing fed tax breaks, while also repurposing fed land in NV to build affordable housing units."
Biden to unveil plan to cap rents as GOP convention The policy plan comes as the president tries to assure Democrats about the viability of his candidacy.
it would be so cool to disappear into the dark one night and return years later just when the world needed you most
An appropriate prop and enough confidence and you'd be really surprised where you can go
Jamelle Bouie was one of the main bluesky draws for me, starting to think this website sucks shit actually
Demanding that Bernie Sanders and Rashida Tlaib quit their jobs because the US Congress is an abjectly evil organization and what actually matters in politics is maintaining personal purity against guilt by association rather than wielding power and influence to achieve goals
rage comics were really cooking when they said. ffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
I broke a phone screen once by biting it
let me borrow your phone to chew on a minute..mines all wet
National conservatism is for when national socialism is too left-wing
Sen. Josh @HawleyMO: "Some will say now that I am calling America a Christian Nation. So I am. And some will say that I am advocating Christian Nationalism. And so I do." Christian nationalism is fascism and Nazism as politics-and hawley is a proud fascist.
what does sad mean? its an emergency
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
the sky crashed at Planet Hollywood
Homicides in Baltimore are down 36% and nonfatal shootings are down 30% year over year through June. In 2022 there were 334 murders for the year, in 2023 there were 263 (one was added after year-end), through the first half of the year 2024 there have been... 89
Sorry to all my lawyer friends who spent a bunch of time learning how law works in the US. I had friends who were Flash developers and things turned out alright for them after they pivoted to C# or whatever. Hopefully there's an equivalent for our national legal system
The IRA is one of the most important pieces of legislation in American history and it's worth reelecting Biden for that alone
The fact that Biden has delivered on left-wing policy far better than any president in generations but is widely despised by left-wing voters reflects more poorly on left-wing institutions and voters than on Biden. This is not a movement showing political maturity, and I say that as a left-winger
Reminder that Aaron Swartz was facing 35 years in prison and financial devastation for trying to programmatically download and open the contents of JSTOR, which led to him taking his own life. But OpenAI is going to scrape all of academia and make billions by plagiarizing it.
New version of chatbot reaches level of function where it responds to all queries by making a little twisty-wrist gesture with pinched fingers and saying “But isn’t it more *complicated* than that?”
i asked my friends this question and the answer was mostly "cameras" which, alright, fair
i'm not sure why anyone would pay more than $400 for a cell phone
feel a little bad for the coca-cola company. they renamed "mr pibb" to "pibb xtra" over two decades ago but people still call it mr pibb anyway. imagine your rebranding being so unsuccessful but still sticking to your guns for 23 years anyway
Actively trying and failing to focus on my job is so much more discouraging than just blowing it off for the day
this is my first 3d printer design i hope u guys like it
i'm not sure why anyone would pay more than $400 for a cell phone
WhipBook is now SmartClip Your Bookzones have been converted to Clipdowns Can’t find your Librex? It’s now your Datapinch in the Foldarium menu You have 30 days to unpress your Pagelings
Broke: freeway median urban rail stations are bad because of catchment area restrictions, rider experience degradation, etc Woke: freeway median urban rail stations are good because they make it harder to add more lanes to the freeway