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Non-prolific non-writer
I don't really think that Biden should withdraw from the election but "he won the primary" seems like a dumb argument. The primary was just a formality. There were no serious challengers and no actual voter had an option for not-Biden.
My media hot take: Biden’s flaws get more attention than Trump’s because people who vote for Biden are more likely to care about competent governance. Articles about trumps flaws are only interesting to his opponents, because his supporters don’t care about them.
Reposted byAvatar Robleh
Reposted byAvatar Robleh
i think approaching and touching brown bears is fine as long as you say “who’s a good boy” while you do it
Reposted byAvatar Robleh
Stop making jokes and recognize that your account on a microblogging site known by 4% of the American population and whose most famous user is Weird Al Yankovich could single-handedly win or lose this election
At a diner and I heard someone comment about half of people getting a divorce. I think I deserve credit for not interrupting to tell them that’s an outdated statistic that reflected how many people where in unhappy or abusive marriages prior to no fault divorce. Current divorce rates are much lower
Just a boy standing in front of a sci-fi franchise asking them to bring back rubber, bipedal gorn
Reposted byAvatar Robleh
It's interesting to think that so much of the LLM hype comes from finance bros, not actual hackers, and if you look at any of their previous scams *of course* they're gonna think "garbage in garbage out" is a fake idea. That's the basis of every finance bro's pet scam.
Reposted byAvatar Robleh
Reposted byAvatar Robleh
Reposted byAvatar Robleh
Every room is an escape room if you’re very dumb
Reposted byAvatar Robleh
in the rules based international order there are two separate yet equally important groups: good states that can bomb embassies with impunity and bad states we'll never forgive for seizing our embassy 44 years ago merely because we overthrew their democratically elected government
For the record, we shouldn't go to war with Iran. You know, in case you need my opinion on it.
Stop making it sound like Biden is pro-genocide. He's just willing to watch one happen and continue funding it despite his base wanting him to stop doing that. Its completely different
Reposted byAvatar Robleh
boomer: service was perfect, my every need was attended to without complaint or hesitation, ★★★★☆ millennial: they told me to go fuck myself and spit at me, but i could tell they were having a bad day, ★★★★★
Reposted byAvatar Robleh
So I guess the Superbowlers are having an exciting game, huh? First the Pelosis were winning, then the Swifts, and back and forth and now it's extra frames!
You know, these Republicans may not be very good at government
My 2024 predictions: - the presidential election will go to either a rep or a dem - a large corporation will lay off a bunch of people for no good reason - a Republican politician will block social spending in some way - Trump will lose several more trials
I could go for some mexicanized dishes right now
Name me something people liked that these types thought WASN'T Satan trying to trick people into hell.
Reposted byAvatar Robleh
Let’s all support his vision
Just got word the skydiving baby is going to be speaker of the house
Reposted byAvatar Robleh
Feel like the first part of the headline answers the second part
If there’s one thing that Trump voters won’t abide it is hypocrisy!
Reposted byAvatar Robleh
Sorry I don’t have my homework, an organized retail gang stole it
I would love to cook my own healthy food at home, but organized shoplifting gangs keep breaking into my house and stealing my lettuce
Reposted byAvatar Robleh
Related -- one of the reasons the 18th century was so rife with conspiracy theory was they had lost God but not discovered social science; every evil had to be explained without reference to either the divine or the systemic.
It’s so hard not to screenshot all of Doppleganger by Naomi Klein but this point is so crucial.
No one’s asked yet, but I figured I should get it out of the way before they do. I’m too busy to be speaker right now
Reposted byAvatar Robleh
"Those who hunt us always come for the ENTIRE alphabet." A happy and safe #NationalComingOutDay to all. No LGB without the T or Q or the entire alphabet. Ever.