
the awkward thing is that functional capitalism is more or less inseparable from representative democracy. capitalism requires markets, legally binding contracts, and a functional judicial system to work best. this is a real reason why capitalism is different from colonialism and mercantilism, etc
The capitalist consolidation behind Trump is producing some wild quotes.
These people don’t want an actual market economy, they’re quite content with state-supported kleptocracy in the Russian style. They figure they’ll get to keep extracting wealth protected from competition in return for supporting the regime, who needs democracy *or* free markets?
The last century is pretty rife with examples of capitalists getting behind fascists and dictators - from Germany to Chile.
If anything, capitalists have, when push came to shove, happily sided with “strong leaders” who do away with pesky democratic hindrances like trade unions, labour laws and elections.
Every capitalist success story I can think of, from the slave trade, to colonialism, to the industrial revolution; is outright anti-democracy
Yes, but these people are cossetted and extremely stupid. They're basically late-era Hapsburgs at this point.
Ahh. That's the Austrian School they keep going on about.
It is like these clowns could not be bothered to learn a damn thing in school.
The 'threat to capitalism' is code for 'raising taxes on the 0.1%'...
...or giving workers at least some basic rights and protections
We need to start calling these people what they are: oligarchs.
Absolutely, but it's not really about expanding capitalism that those with a record concentration of capital want. It's the power to protect themselves permanently from any accountability for corruption and to solve our existential problems only for themselves. At all cost.
the awkward thing is that functional capitalism is more or less inseparable from representative democracy. capitalism requires markets, legally binding contracts, and a functional judicial system to work best. this is a real reason why capitalism is different from colonialism and mercantilism, etc
They're doing pretty well now. Hard to imagine they'd rather have to pay protection racket extortion to the mob boss.
Functional capitalism exists to subvert representative democracy. Capitalism requires rent seeking and exploitation to exist. It inevitably creates a corrupt political system that exists to serve the interests of capital.
The mechanisms really just need the basic adjustment of banning large individual fortunes, which make actual capitalist enterprises less stable and constantly assail representative democracy.
Oh, just remove the consolidation of private property, the fundamental premise of the whole system. Sure, get to that
No. Keep private property. Just tax 100% over something like $20M and distribute equity from large successful firms into general funds shared by all, instead of private equity.
Oh, like we had in the 50s? How'd that go?
It helped create the greatest surge in shared abundance in human history.
I think that would be the Chinese Revolution, but it was up there. With such a track record of success surely this remained a bedrock of Western policy
Too many letters. They are afraid of a threat to Capital, not quite the same thing
Trump’s biggest grift is convincing all these rich dudes that when they give him all this power, they’ll be granted billions like putin’s pals but somehow get them to forget how many of putin’s pals end up falling out of windows.
Seems to me capitalism developed pretty well under Kaiser Wilhelm and Emperor Louis-Napoléon. I'm afraid you can have a legal system that works perfectly well (for the bourgeoisie, anyhow) without a working democracy.
And general equality, freedom of movement makes for a larger hiring pool, being able to vote for a motivated one.
You do not need democracy for those things. The world is like 70% authoritarian now and it’s all capitalist. The idea that markets and democracy are tightly linked was the 1990s delusion. It proved itself to be wrong.
It really kicked into high gear when private property was enshrined in law
Oh yeah, money and markets are so well established they may seem like natural phenomenon but these are manufactured and maintained, at great expense, by the State!
I guess that’s true but then that just means the GOP are closer to feudalists than capitalists
Capitalism qua liberal rules-based open and accountable markets needs a better word. Sounds too close to 'capitalists'