
There’s people so shocked at how rude and sweary im getting at their labour defences but i think it’s important they learn that this is now the reaction labour will provoke in minorities. You got the tories out. Now you are the tories.
You told me to go fuck myself when you defended labour so i shall tell you to go fuck yourself simple as
I am an American and I am focusing on American politics atm. What is going on with the Labour party?
Imagine if Biden decided the only way to beat Trump was by copying all of his policies but enacting them 'with a heavy heart'. That's what's going on with the Labour party
Got it. That makes more sense to me. Sucks to hear what is going on with the Labour party :(
to be clear, this probably doesn't actually help them win anything — their win was pretty much assured by the wall-to-wall disasters of conservative rule — but the empty-suit faction is obsessed with stamping out any semblance of socialist or progressive ideals within the party
The short answer is on trans right they basically policy matched the Tories. Which is to say they hate trans people. Indeed some early campaigning was basically "don't trust the Tories, Labor will get the Cass Review done!"
To be fair trans rights are only one of many issues they've decided to basically policy match the Tories on.
Doesn't that say more about the conservative lean of the electorate? It seems from polling that the UK is still incredibly conservative. In the US the policy polling shows a progessive lean, so cons lie abt being more progressive than they are.
Which party, if they won, would be the easiest to press for better policies?
Well since the only reason anyone seems to vote for either of the two main parties is just entrenched factionalism I don't think it says much about the electorates policy preferences. I think it says a lot about how we ss a cojntry approach politics as team sport though.
Fair. That seems a logical outcome of parliamentary systems. It seems like, even with the landslide, power was spread around a bit. Sad any of it ended up with Reform. Do they not poll on policy proposals? Is there any idea on where the UK stands on specific ideas?
Ignore all other replies! The Labour leader has a decent mildly left wing history, and he doesn't frighten the electorate, so his party will win comfortably. The unlikely crew who berate him are ex fans of the magic grandpa (Corbyn, who collected a cult and was unelectable) or sundries.
Labour under Corbyn won 40% of the vote, roughly equivalent to UK Labour's current polling. The main reason Starmer is winning a landslide is that the First Past the Post voting system is broken nonsense
I'll agree with you about FPTP, but I also think that Corbyn was poisonous to a great number of voters. Of course, part of that was down to unfavourable media, but he was as disliked in 2019 as much as Sunak is now.
... Yet you can't argue he's more disliked than Starmer, who, I point out again, did not outpoll Corbyn despite having visibly worse Tories to campaign against
Enjoy your little rant about "magical grandpa" Corbyn, but the numbers do not show he was ~unelectable~ and painting him as some scary villain in order to justify supporting a transphobic, dogwhistling liar who *will not make things better for you* is a really bad choice on your part.
Corbyn was more disliked by the broad electorate than Starmer is, I don't think you can argue about that. It's possible that Starmer's favourable polling is based mainly on skilful analysis of where to campaign, but also his 'Ming Vase' invisibility (mega aggravating to "The Party") has worked.
Ignore this absolute roaster. The UK has been allowed to change the colour of the government now that the people in charge of Labour are unthreatening to the people who broke it in 2008 and have been profiting from the rot ever since. That's what's going on.
You'll be surprised that I do agree with your analysis to a great extent. I'd argue that the people 'who broke it' go back much further than 2008, and that they have a dangerous stranglehold on the UK 'body politic'. It's a status quo which will take much unpicking, but I think Starmer can do it.
Based on, like, what? I'll ask you the question I've asked many Starmer boosters before you: can you tell me the top three ideological differences between Rachel Reeves and George Osborne?
George Osborne was more welcoming to immigration. On the economic ideology there's not much opportunity for Reeves to diverge given the circumstances she'll inherit, so I've only managed one difference!
The "people who broke it" much before 2008 are Blair and Clinton with their waves of banking deregulation. Starmer's manifesto is pointedly to the rigth of Blair's so why should we assume he can or will fix things?
I guess I will take a wait and see approach. I do not have a horse in the race due to being an American
They purged all left people to become like the tories
if we somehow avert total disaster in the US and eradicate the Republican party, this is how I will be with people defending the Democrats versus whatever actually remotely progressive alternative could step up. D's are literally just 'not the full fascist psychopaths' right now.
It’s funny when they call any of our politicians the “radical left” when most Dems are just republicans decades ago when they weren’t so openly terrible.
Campaigning in force will start immediately Labour get in I would think.
As an elder statesman of the internet, I'm disappointed Labor took that stance. One thing I know is: I appreciate your hostility towards authority -- a never-ending ebb & flow, for without that willingness to get into the muck, there will always be people who'll try to fling it all over you Fight on