K.B. Wagers

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K.B. Wagers


SFF author #NeoG series
(they/them, queer)
Biologically a problem
Art is Joy
Avalanche hockey
Trans rights are human rights
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also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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Reasons to vote for @worldbuildcast.bsky.social for the Best Fancast Hugo: -We have awesome guests! -We manage to be both chaotic gremlins *and* erudite scholars, often in the same sentence. -"Choose, Don't Presume" is a banger ethos. -Our Discord server has a drinking game. -We're very cute.
Using the word "successor" instead of Vice President is sure a choice, NYT.
Get in on this! It's gonna be amazing.
4 days to raise $2,269.00. Work by Sheree Renee Thomas, S.A. Cosby, Maurice Broaddus, Linda Addison, Wole Talabi and way way more. Enough said. www.kickstarter.com/projects/mvm...
Spacefunk!www.kickstarter.com Space is the place! A collection of science fiction stories and poems by authors of African/African Diaspora Descent.
I saw a robot mowing a lawn today and this is the worst sort of science fiction future. *shakes head*
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Some of you fuckers really watched a genocide and decided to draw the political violence line at someone shooting at a fascist.
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Opposition to authoritarianism is *not* “violent rhetoric.” Authoritarianism implies violence: uses of state violence against the people and political opponents without due process. A passionate defense of democracy is the *opposite* of violent political rhetoric.
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Not sixty years ago, within my parent’s lifetime, the National Guard was necessary to enforce integration. Less than thirty years ago, police presence was necessary at abortion clinics. And within the past decade, peaceful protestors have had to adopt self-defense tactics against the right.
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Hey y'all, if you are feeling panic right now I hope you can find a way to disengage. Nothing you can post on bluesky in the next hour is going to change November. Watch some TV! It doesn't even have to be Tudor horse man show! 💖
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And this has always been the case. So many of the "literary greats" of the last 200 years of commercial publishing were in dire financial straits much of their careers. The Paris scene popped because the city was cheap between the wars. The Algonquin Round Table was there because of cheap pierogies.
The majority of people flatly do not understand — and would be honestly shocked by! — how little money most publicly known writers make
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Y'all not being able to differentiate your enemy from a hole in the ground has real world implications. It halts progress and disproportionately impacts Black people who consistently vote and organize as the single most impactful bloc on nearly any progressive measure you can name.
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Look Trump when he speaks sounds forceful and strong, while spewing UTTER NONSENSE, I mean sometimes it's word fucking salad, truly. And when it's not ... it's lies Biden is speaking strong truths, but he's not the 'best' speaker. Listen to the WORDS and ACTIONS.
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Companies are going to start building a shame around "Water Footprints" that they're going to pass along to everyday people, just like they did with Carbon Footprints, just like they did with plastics and recycling. They'll make it our fault, unless we keep pointing out that the blame is on them.
On that “data centers don’t consume water” talking point.
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Disability justice is essential to: racial justice lgbtq rights housing justice feminism reproductive rights marriage equality workers rights anti-capitalism child welfare climate justice prison abolition It’s Disability Pride Month. Show up for us & for collective justice. Step one: wear an n95.
Sometimes trying to get traction for your books feels a lot like that quicksand we were all warned about so relentlessly as kids.
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Writers: Challenge the agreement/contract that your publishers present you with. They'll start off saying this is our contract, take it or leave it, but it's negotiable. Every contract is. 'Boilerplate' means this is where you start, not where you finish. And learn what 'subsidiary rights' means.
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“I just said I wanted to kill someone, Emmory. Giving me a gun probably isn’t the best of ideas.” “I trust you, Highness. Don’t shoot anyone who’s not trying to kill you, and for gods’ sake, just kill them. Don’t shoot pieces off them.” www.amazon.com/Behind-Thron...
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Hi hello reminder that AI art helps fascism. Convince the masses that art should be commodified by a computer and you’ve convinced people to give up their power to witness and inspire. I don’t care what your level is, just make art 😡😡!!
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For a while now I have had this icky feeling that a lot of our use of AI is us just using it to find examples to show each other how bad AI is and TBH I think we should probably all stop doing that cause excessive energy consumption doesn't differentiate between real use and joke use. 😬
A runaway princess. A loyal bodyguard. ....whatever you think happens next, you're probably wrong. 🔥
“I just said I wanted to kill someone, Emmory. Giving me a gun probably isn’t the best of ideas.” “I trust you, Highness. Don’t shoot anyone who’s not trying to kill you, and for gods’ sake, just kill them. Don’t shoot pieces off them.” www.amazon.com/Behind-Thron...
“I just said I wanted to kill someone, Emmory. Giving me a gun probably isn’t the best of ideas.” “I trust you, Highness. Don’t shoot anyone who’s not trying to kill you, and for gods’ sake, just kill them. Don’t shoot pieces off them.” www.amazon.com/Behind-Thron...
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People really discount the extent to which The Squad are incredibly talented politicians, and mostly because they're young, women, and not white. But they've been more effective at getting policy positions across than most of their senior colleagues...
AOC has got good political instincts and she can pretty clearly see where this is going.
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Mass deportation is a kitchen table issue, and Trump and the GOP need to be hounded about it. "Kids will come from school to homes without their parents. Businesses would lose workers, some would just shutter. Crops would rot in the fields.” zacharymueller.substack.com/p/mass-depor...
Trump dodged the debate question about who he wld deport. “He wldn’t tell the American ppl his plans to deport Dreamers, rip apart American families, turn troops & police into a show-me-your-papers force to go into neighborhoods across the country & upend so many industries, including agriculture.”
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My favorite tried-and-true resistance tactic: Being Extremely Fucking Annoying.
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what – and I cannot stress this enough – the fuck
There was lead in EVERY tampon they tested. There was less lead in organic tampons, but those had higher concentrations of arsenic. Also fun: It's 2024. This is the first ever study testing metals in tampons. Great. 🙃 www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/tox... Study: www.sciencedirect.com/science/arti...
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A reminder for Sunday eve: We historically lived and died blithe little lives concerned only with an area the size of a small town. You do not need to be plugged into the mainframe to work for justice. Just keep holding the light for those nearest; you are doing your bit already.
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People act like OSHA is this gang of fun-haters who make up stupid rules to make their jobs annoying. Literally every single regulation OSHA has ever written was in response to someone getting maimed; usually killed, but sometimes merely losing a limb or two. Occasionally breathing corrosive gas.
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Absolutely love the description of Sauron being “busy with evil”
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Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.