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I'm on mastodon more (@[email protected]). baseball freak, knitter, music person, powerlifter, software engineer. very soft. photo by Peter Ramdeholl. (she/her)
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I always forget the degree to which every social media site I participate in becomes completely unusable for a year or more, thanks to neverending American elections. hellish. I don't need to know all of this, I can't do shit about it!!!
Reposted byAvatar ruhee
apoplectic with rage over this triumph WITHIN the collective. triumph AMONG the collective. triumph FOR the collective. the batter is not competing with his what? TEAMMATES. his TEAMMATES God damn you all to Hell
espn is doing a segment about home runs and the voiceover just said “we love the home run because of what it represents: the triumph of the individual against the collective”
had the immense pleasure of playing a big fat sax solo on this track by a bunch of friends (plus doing some backing vox). I think it's an absolute banger and you should check it out. it's very singalongable!!!
Maybe We'll Learn Something From All of This (But Probably Not), by Survival track by Survival Club
RIP me. Cause of death: Copa America penalty kicks
I knit these pride socks recently. I love them.
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there should be a feature where you can mute americans until after the election
Reposted byAvatar ruhee
i don’t mean to judge but i feel like a lot of you would benefit mentally and emotionally from simply not watching presidential debates
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We have the technology to have nearly everything for everyone forever and instead we have too much for too few for not much longer, and that’s a conscious political choice
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hm i'm stressing about money and my body and my achievements a lot today i wonder why that is
"Have you seen—" no. I have not seen the movie or tv show or documentary. I will not have seen it in a week or a month. I have never seen most of what anyone has asked me about or told me to watch. Just assume this in the future and we'll all be happier
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The arc of fucking around is long but it bends towards finding out.
going to start working with my old coach again. thinking of telling her that my fitness goals are "huge deadlift, huge shoulders"
Planted my first balcony container garden. Very modest, but I have tomatoes, strawberries and hot peppers! I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm trying to be ok with that!!
I work at a fintech with a trading platform, and boy I hate that I know what "Roaring Kitty came back" means and also that it translates into all hands on deck. the memestocks are memestocking
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“Brain worms” is one of those metaphorical tropes we use so much, I forget it had a literal origin!
house music at the Cloud Nothings show is ... Squeeze? I've never been so seen in my life
went to the baseball yesterday for the first time since September 2019. it was very good.
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it’s weird to say in 2024, but i think a lot of people still haven’t really processed how violent American police really are. watching them do crowd control just once will shake any residual trust in them out of you
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mfer just found out he could've used multiple slurp juices on a single ape
this photo belongs in the louvre
finally got around to custom domainery on here. also hello I should check this more
I've revived my blog since the internet just keeps getting worse. Same website as usual, just with posts again.
Ruhee Ruhee Dewji is a musician in Toronto, Ontario.
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How Bluesky was formed
wrote three annoyed posts about the vibe here and did not post them. dunno if another Dorsey venture is the thing I need in my life though, truly
hi I'm not a bot etc
End of feed.