
i am SHOCKED that zoning is an important aspect of affordable housing and strong city development that people routinely ignore. SHOCKED i tell you!
you’re telling me good zoning, affordable housing, and “15 minute” cities are ALSO good economic decisions and not just the socially responsible thing to do?? there’s no way!
i would never have guessed!
Anne Hidalgo and her 15-minute city concept specifically does not include any upzoning - to the contrary, Hidalgo said it was a good thing that Paris lost population as the working class left for cheaper suburbs with 45- and not 15-minute commutes.
well, surely that shows the contradiction there though. if you actually want 15 min cities you want to pack people in
A real 15 minute city has never been tried.
sure it has. practically every city pre-automobile was like that
My bit of London I have 15 minute access to what I need, a cycle lane outside, and public transport for anything further out. Works for me.
Parisian zoning laws create an artificial constraint on building height and rich Americans have been snatching up all the real estate in the city center, pushing locals out to the suburbs.
Rich French people. It's just easier for local reactionaries (the "ban Airbnb" coalition is led by center-right arrondissement mayors) to blame foreigners than to blame rich center-right voters.
i don't know who anne hidalgo is
The major of paris, who has been one of the major political figures who has adopted the idea of the 15 minute city
Okay but hear me out what if we just knock everything down to build one reeeaaaallly nice house for one guy and surround it with stadiums and highways and a TGI Fridays and made rent $1000000000 would that not also solve all our problems?
That site made me do 3 minutes of button pressing before finally telling me I can't see the article so here's an archive link instead
Just a
hilariously this picture is of saint paul
apparently it's a broader Twin Cities phenomenon, which would make sense
when you look at the two cities while standing on the river, you realize it's just one huge city that's too polite to call itself that lol
Policies are pretty different in the two cities though. I know people are still tracking the rent control impacts in St. Paul (even with the recent watering down).
It’s a regional story, but yeah
They should have just used Calgary.
I think you mean "Duluth."
TV and movie producers have no idea how excited people from Minnesota get when they see places from Minnesota on their screens.
Michigan does the same thing. I remember being in a movie theater once and a Michigan plate was on a car and it was visible on screen for like two seconds and three people in the crowd yelled "MICHIGAN!!"
The last new episode of HGTV'S Ugliest Houses in America did the Midwest region and all three houses were in MN
Been there. Did not get the t-shirt.
Me, too. It’s in the background.
feeling good about when my therapist asked a few months ago why i planned to move to Minneapolis next year and i said because the rezoning would make rent affordable
Wow, it’s almost like building affordable housing instead of exclusively overpriced homes and luxury apartments is something a health society would do.
There’s a mountain of evidence that building new market-rate housing reduces rents for lower-income people, because then rich people aren’t bidding up the price of less desirable housing stock. If we don’t build homes for the well-off, those people don’t disappear, they buy up YOUR neighborhood.
Legalize it! (Housing that is)
You raise a valid point that should definitely play a big part in housing policy, but it seems the primary focus is on market-rate rather than affordable housing by an overwhelming degree. Especially out in California where I’m at. The wealthy need places to live, but so do I. 😂😭
Actually the problem in most of coastal California is that IZ requirements are intentionally so onerous as to block almost all new construction. So rich liberals get to say they’re for affordable housing while pushing policies that all but ensure it never gets built.
The places in the US with the biggest IZ requirement are all places along the California coast with average homes prices well in excess of a million dollars.
strongly suspect you're taking the wrong lesson from this, and I recommend you read the actual policy in question here
My apologies, my good sir, but I am illiterate and cannot read.
IZ can be done well, but Minneapolis’s rents fell precisely because its IZ didn’t unduly constraint the building of new market-rate units.
I would like to be able to find studio apartments for $500 a month in cities that are not shitholes again.
*elon musk voice* concerning
YAY I MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE MOVING BACK HERE! i found an old projects place in NW minneapolis that got fixed up and rent here is 1/3 what i was paying in california for less than half the size of this place
it's worth checking this area out, the social services just got fixed recently so there's like, food stamps & healthcare and legal pot. the winters here are not as bad as people always freak out about either
As someone who just moved to South Minneapolis last year from NJ.... yeah they are lol
This previous winter was the most punishing winter I've ever seen in my 5-6 years since moving here, and the most punishing winter in my 40+ years of life lol. And I say that as someone whose favorite season of the year is winter!
3rd most snowfall winter season in Minneapolis history! But, according to some, a relatively small amount of below zero temperature days
This was my back yard on April 1st lol