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I'm just really not a home run hitter. Here's my Carrd: https://imnotahrhitter.carrd.co/
I think the more prominent question is "why didn't they have anyone on that roof to begin with?"
A Post analysis, based on videos as well as satellite imagery and analysis examining the rally site and shooter’s position, found that the two Secret Service countersniper teams may have initially been hindered in their ability to see the shooter as he crawled up the roof due to its slanted sides.
Obstructed view may have delayed sniper response at Trump rallywww.washingtonpost.com A 3D analysis by The Washington Post found two countersniper teams likely had difficulty seeing the gunman before he fired.
Amazing story about what happens at the VA Hospital when you ask the Project 2025 question: "How are you going to pay the utility bills when Social Security and VA benefits get cut?" tweet: x.com/FlindyD/stat...
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changeswww.washingtonpost.com The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
this is another problem of seniority: the best dems right now are coming out of like, michigan and minnesota. which dems does seniority seem closest to, give rewards to, eagerly support? the ridiculously corrupt and wildly incompetent New York dems who even cost the party the fucking house.
That's really where the "doomerism" sets in, because that's pretty much it, right? The exclamation point on the Sandy Hook tweet! They really aren't going to do anything about it, ever.
Again, people really/depressingly, underestimate how accustomed Americans are to shootings now. Politicians have done their work very well. The fact that a presidential candidate was inches away from being assassinated & there has been absolutely no movement on gun control just says it all really.
Again, people really/depressingly, underestimate how accustomed Americans are to shootings now. Politicians have done their work very well. The fact that a presidential candidate was inches away from being assassinated & there has been absolutely no movement on gun control just says it all really.
Existing Trump supporters—including political reporters privately in sympathy with him—obviously experienced a powerful galvanizing emotion from the failed assassination attempt. They assumed that emotional experience would be widespread, but so far the polling doesn’t bear that out.
One thing that's been bothering me/ making me laugh lately is the whole "See? Black people support Biden!" stuff I've seen out there, as if it was a monolith and as if crazy white people wouldn't go fucking nuts if POCs came out as a whole against Biden. Look how nuts they went over Obama!
one thing i hope people also take away from this is that being a black person in a public facing role means that often you are held to a harsher moral or ethical standard than other people, which again is hard to explain when you're experiencing it. but i've definitely experienced that.
Because of the, um, accidental acquisition of it, I decided to make something I haven't had since before I was 10 years old, but elevated... An fried bologna and cheese sandwich
You know, it's probably not very healthy for people to pay attention to election polls every single day of the week.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
My money's on Ivanka
MILWAUKEE (AP) — Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has been told he will not be chosen as Trump's running mate, an AP source says.
It’s almost like the pundit class wants the wrong things out of this campaign season
"Hmmm now where can I buy jorts at the Mall of America?" -me, thinking my most shameful thought ever
"Hmmm now where can I buy jorts at the Mall of America?" -me, thinking my most shameful thought ever
MAYBE in a different country, a shooting like this could have a significant effect on an election But decades of random mass shootings on a regular basis has numbed most Americans. We've become accustomed to saying, "that's a shame" and moving on with our lives That's the country the GOP made
It's starting to seem like this was just another random mass shooting by a white guy with an AR-15 Butler, PA on a random mid-July day with a big crowd. It could've been a concert or fair or baseball game instead
I feel so bad for people in Houston, man
if you’re talking about “irrevocably altering the race in the former president’s favor” after 14 hours, you’re not reporting observable truth, you’re willing it into existence
… it’s been like 14 hours?
Sticking with only good news today
Funniest thing to come out of this is it was the one rally he missed
Oh. I see I missed some shit while shopping
Trump was rushed off stage by Secret Service during his rally after loud noises rang through the crowd. He appeared to have blood on his ear
Pops That Sound Like Gunshots Heard At Donald Trump Rallywww.huffpost.com The former president was speaking in Butler, Pennsylvania.
just want to put a pin on this because that's been my experience here. white folks coming in to gaslight and insult me for my own good. the cruelty and callousness.
Being on this app, which I mostly like, has been a masterclass in learning about the ways white liberals and progressives consistently disrespect black people “for our own good.” You insist you know what’s better for us and how we should live while shirking responsibility for your bullshit.
Being on this app, which I mostly like, has been a masterclass in learning about the ways white liberals and progressives consistently disrespect black people “for our own good.” You insist you know what’s better for us and how we should live while shirking responsibility for your bullshit.
I was laid off at 3:30 PM on May 30th w/o notice and lost my health benefits the next day which is fucked up on its own but the fact that basically my only option is COBRA feels like getting spat on after a punch to a gut. this country wants you scared for your life every second you aren’t working
The process of filing for unemployment benefits is so tedious and humiliating. Every step of getting laid off is some small or large indignity forced upon us by our employers who saddle us with the consequences of their mistakes
to be fair, musk is very experienced at overspending on things that lose money