
The healthcare workforce shortage isn’t coming, it’s already here. There aren't enough healthcare workers in many sectors & regions, and too many of the ones who are left are sick of bad work conditions. And the consequences? As of today, 83 million Americans don't even have access to primary care.
The health care workforce crisis is already Burned-out health care providers are headed for the exits — or fighting back.
There isn't a shortage of trained workers. There is a shortage of workers willing to work under those conditions for offered wages.
There is a shortage of trained workers, period. The American education system has gone to great lengths to limit the number of doctors it produces every year to help keep physician wages high enough to justify the selectivity of medical schools. Then, the pressure to specialize on top of that...
buddy not to even get into us grunts in EMS but you do know that the amount of physicians there can even be is limited by a congressional budgeting for students right like if you can't get your in person hours you can't get your license. Congress arbitrarily decides that
There was a huge fight in Georgia about the U of Georgia opening a medical school. There is another school in Augusta that is the descendant of the Medical College of Georgia that has fought for years to be the only public one in the state. They finally got approval for UGA medical this year.
I went to school for years to do Health Information Management (billing & coding) because it was what I wanted to do for many years. I'm actually looking to get out and do I don't even know what because of the stress. My mom has done it for 30yrs and is retiring early because of the stress.
"everything should be privatized, the market will solve it with its own special magic" "we did, but then the marketplace walked away from this sector because they can't make huge profits in it" "no, you didn't privatize it ENOUGH"
Most people think nurses and such when talking about these shortages, but MLS/MT/MLT programs at colleges are disappearing due to budget constraints. Seriously, who do they think is going to train the next generation? Hiring people with non-specialized degrees isn’t the answer.
My PCPs have quit and moved on 3 times in the last 3 years, and in places that have lower turnover, the waiting lists are more than a year long. Good for them finding better roles, but ugh it's awful and LOL that 'you have to wait for care' is the argument against Universal Health Care
Canada is in the same shape. Many of its citizens do not have a GP because there is a shortage. I am going to assume that Mexico is in the same shape too? All of North America has a shortage of primary care doctors. North America was a desirable to work and live... Is it now?
Just got a letter that my PCP is leaving. No replacement has been hired at the practice. This has happened so frequently it's almost a running joke. Almost.
We’ve had 4 GPs in 5 years, and that’s only because we followed the last one to a different city, and who is now working at a walk-in clinic.
I was hopeful about this last one bc he's pretty young but he's had Covid more than once and he's often out himself.
The UCP is portioning off Healthcare, for easier sale to the Americans. If we don’t stop the UCP, Alberta will be a Banana Republic in a few years.
I hope you do, you don't want our system.
The base who vote conservative don’t understand that they will have to pay for healthcare insurance, they think their taxes will still cover it. We will move to another province, if it happens.
But we’re not gonna do anything until it collapses to the point where if eg Bezos needs a TURP he’ll have to stand up his own entire ambulatory surgery center from the studs out
adding: the us hospital & home health care systems are going to get hit even harder for staff if we restrict immigration. also when the extended aca subsidies expire next year & people start electing out of insurance.
My doc said "See me in 6 months." Earliest appointment available was 10 months.
I had to change mine due to a change in insurance and the earliest I could get a new-patient appointment was July. That was over a month ago.