Genevieve Williams

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Genevieve Williams

SFF writer, hardingfele player, tracker, librarian. Longer writings and book reviews at masto: [email protected], insta: datamuse. SFWA, Codexian. Two Hour Transport 2 coming soon from Fairwood Press.
…well I picked a hell of a day to be mostly offline.
I've never been one for #anxiety shopping, but as I prepare to take my first #flight since early 2020 and my first trip out of the country since 2016, I seem to be buying a lot of stuff. Especially in the maps and #travel efficiencies department.
I think about this letter from Kurt Vonnegut to a group of NYC high school students often. “Practice any art…no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow.”
Gotta admit this is an outcome of making phones unusable for their original purpose that I had not predicted
Pollsters are simulating political surveys with AI because nobody answers the phone: "The big difference between humans and AI agents is that the AI agents always pick up the phone..."
Using AI for Political Polling – Ash
Make a band milder. Buns ‘n Roses
Make a band milder. Minivan Halen
I’ve said it before, but predators are highly invested in conserving their energy and have to balance risk vs reward when hunting. Large herbivores have energy to burn and are highly invested in stomping anything that seems like a threat into paste.
“Cows kill a lot more humans than sharks do” is only a surprising fact to city dwellers. Every person who has spent time on a farm who I’ve ever told this to has said “yeah that makes sense cows are terrifying.” A cow hospitalized my mom when she was a kid.
We're still rebuilding subscriptions (since Amazon abandoned them) and pushing back against the generated submissions on a daily basis. We'd like to keep doing so. The path forward requires us to keep shouting from the rooftops, so... Thank you!
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: Late enough at night, there would literally be nothing on tv
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: I sat in the smoking section of a restaurant.
I do not have time to volunteer with the Wildlife Ambassador Project. I do not have time to volunteer with the Wildlife Ambassador Project. I do not have time to volunteer with the Wildlife Ambassador Project. I do not have time to volunteer with the Wildlife Ambassador Project...
I like how every day I wake up and publishing says "books are worthless, you're worthless, we're putting all manuscripts into a shredder and firing our staff" and my brain scabs over and I go "time to write :)"
Libraries are one of the most radical social institutions we have, because they’re based on the idea that *everyone* has the right to information, for free. It’s also what makes them crucial to democracy. I will never stop yelling about this!
Poor people use libraries. Rich people shut them down because they don't *want* poor people to read.
Last fall, I wrote about how parents in one Pennsylvania swing district were organizing to oust Moms for Liberty from their school board. (They succeeded in November 2023.) Now there's a follow-up.
Moms for Liberty meets its match: Parents in this swing suburban district are fighting Republicans hope to use education wars to turn purple suburbia red. In one Pennsylvania district, that backfired
I dig this chestnut up often, but it's a good one: Nothing ages you faster than when you stop embracing new music. Listen to country, listen to rap, listen to whatever, but keep listening and especially keep listening to new artists and songs. Keep yourself alive.
Happy Pride! Here's a comic I made a couple years ago 💗💜💙 (thread)
Hey Folks, #FiyahLitMag's subs open up June 1st with guest editor Kerine Wint themed: SPACEFARING AUNTIES. Send us: Women-led stories as fleshed-out protagonists. A wide spectrum of women- queer, disabled, etc. – NO “Strong Black Woman ™" Guidelines:
Breaking news: The Justice Department plans to announce an antitrust enforcement action against Live Nation, the parent company of Ticketmaster, as soon as Thursday, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the case before it becomes public.
DOJ to announce antitrust action against Live Nation as soon as The Ticketmaster parent company also owns concert venues and promotes shows.
New from Reckoning 8: took a bit of work to get the Osage orthography to display correctly, but worth it so you can fully appreciate "A Move to a New Country" by Dan Musgrave, in which the Osage prepare a generation ship to rejoin the stars from whence they came:
A Move to a New Country | The 𐓏𐓘𐓓𐓘𐓓𐓟1 were a sky people first before we came down to the Earth to begin a new life. One dawn, a week before 𐒻𐒼𐓂2 went into the hospital, we faced east and watched a pillar of white smoke reach u...
Did Red Lobster go down because of its Endless Shrimp deal? @lukewgoldstein runs the numbers. Losses from Endless Shrimp: $11 million Sale-leaseback deal that put Red Lobster properties on the hook for rent payments: $1.5 *billion*
The Raiding of Red The bankrupt casual restaurant chain didn’t fail because of Endless Shrimp. Its problems date back to monopolist seafood conglomerates and a private equity play.
Pact and pike: how medieval peasants organized and fought Dismissed as mindless mobs, the peasants of feudal Europe actually had deep networks of mutual aid and resistance. Here's an in-depth look at how they built those — and left lords dead upon the battlefield.
midnight implies the existence of basednight and cringenight
The nature school where I did things like help start a friction fire blindfolded and spend a week in the woods with nothing but the clothes on my back doesn't teach mushroom foraging (though they do teach plant foraging, which has its own hazards). That's how serious getting it wrong can be.
Fun fact—when you die a day or two after eating this, they will be able to pour your liver out of your body at the autopsy.
post a *perfect* album from the 90s that isn't nirvana, pearl jam, soundgarden, or alice in chains. Produced by Steve Albini (RIP)
post a *perfect* album from the 90s that isn't nirvana, pearl jam, soundgarden, or alice in chains. (I see nothing in the criteria excluding film soundtracks, and this is in fact perfect.)
People who were repeatedly vaccinated for COVID-19 — initially receiving shots aimed at the original variant, followed by boosters and updated vaccines targeting variants — generated antibodies capable of neutralizing a wide range of SARS-CoV-2 variants and even some distantly related coronaviruses.
Repeat COVID-19 vaccinations elicit antibodies that neutralize variants, other viruses | Washington University School of Medicine in St. Response to updated vaccine is shaped by earlier vaccines yet generates broadly neutralizing antibodies
a thing I really enjoyed about the northern lights beyond seeing them for the first time was explaining to my kids how the earth is shrouded by an invisible field powered by an unfathomable moon sized engine made of liquid iron churning in the heart of the planet. I sound like a complete maniac