Matt Saccaro

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Matt Saccaro

Writer of fiction and nonfiction: Salon, The Daily Dot, The Week, BuzzFeed, Bleacher Report, Flash Fiction Magazine, The South Shore Review.

Recovering journalism industry professional (NowThis, Salon). Former verified Twitter user.
Hello everyone. I am retiring my name from public life and switching to a pen name. I’ve written more on this decision. If you want my pen name, it’s right here on BlueSky. Just ask.
It's The "This is the end. I am going. I am leaving now."
How do I try out different feeds? I don’t see the option anywhere.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Saccaro
Goodnight. Please don’t choose the path of the wicked.
I’ve never heard of anyone discussing the Grateful Dead other than in relation to the bear t-shirts.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Saccaro
you used to be able to make a whole movie based around the idea what if there was a guy who was annoying to be around
A great thread (cherry picked due to length) on the failings of Hopepunk/Squeecore (and the ghouls it attracts)
The algorithm-driven platforms need a feedback option between “populate my entire feed with only this shit” and “never show this kind of content again until the heat death of the universe.”
Goodnight. Please don’t choose the path of the wicked.
I’m sorry but Modest Mouse is just so good.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Saccaro
this is the worst meme I ever made. no one but me thinks it’s funny. that’s why I post it absolutely everywhere, every chance I get
Reposted byAvatar Matt Saccaro
it looks like a fake website that a tv show would have mocked up in 2011
If this app ever goes to shit, will everyone post Pink Floyd’s “Goodbye Bluesky” when they leave? 🤔
Is the opposite of Minnie Driver Maxie Pilot?
Reposted byAvatar Matt Saccaro
Until social media can solve the fundamental question of how to make people not be assholes to people they’re in community with, I see no reason to spend much more time in the “discourse” or whatever. Better moderation would be nice but no amount of moderation will ever make this healthy.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Saccaro
I’m definitely over twitter and don’t think bsky is the answer. I’m tired of mutuals and people I’m not exactly friends with but definitely friendly with deciding one day to take everything I say out of context and paint me as something I’m not.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Saccaro
Hey, look who got featured on B&N's blog. Yep, that's me. Turns out having great relationships with vendors who aren't Amazon pays off.
Goodnight. Please don’t choose the path of the wicked.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Saccaro
The first issue of Tower Mag, which has my glowing review of Marian Engel's BEAR, is available for download. You can name your price (though you should toss 'em a couple bucks for publishing my 1000 word essay about the bear sex book).
Reposted byAvatar Matt Saccaro
Reposted byAvatar Matt Saccaro
Installed the new bidet
Reposted byAvatar Matt Saccaro
This place feels like early dating after a long term relationship. I’m constantly trying to be aware of the things I did wrong the first time and not repeating them.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Saccaro
Scoop: A politics editor has quit The Messenger less than a week into its launch. Here's what he told me about the site:
Reposted byAvatar Matt Saccaro
color theory works on paper, sure, but has it ever succeeded in real life?
Reposted byAvatar Matt Saccaro
Years ago a “feminist” mag asked me to ghost write pieces for a rich man’s wife who wanted to become a thought leader. I said no & quit (it was the last straw). Today that woman is indeed a thought leader, adored on *all* the apps, w/ a high-end media job. Just a reminder meritocracy is a myth
Goodnight. Please don’t choose the path of the wicked.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Saccaro
There is such freedom in seeing someone from the old place and realizing you don’t have to follow them again, ever
The most laughter I saw in late elementary school was when the computer lab teacher put up a sign saying: “DO NOT TOUCH THE MOUSE BALLS.” I don’t think many people on Bluesky are old enough to get the joke 😳
Reposted byAvatar Matt Saccaro
alright, fuck it. anybody who follows and shares this post gets a free sketch. let's see how dumb this idea is.
It’s gotten so bad that I find the search “hacks” (quotations, minus symbol, etc) don’t even function.
10 years ago, a major phone manufacturer ditching Google for Bing would've provoked howls of protests from users but Google has become so shitty and unhelpful due to saturation of ads and adversarial SEO garbage dominating results no one cares anymore