
1/4 📸 We want to share an important update about image labeling on Bluesky. Every image posted is initially reviewed by an automated system that checks for adult content, graphic imagery, and more. The system then applies labels to flag sensitive content, which human moderators can review.
2/4 🎨 We've made some improvements to our image labeling system on Friday. The latest changes should reduce the number of false positives for adult content labels, particularly on furry art and cartoon images. Let us know if you notice a difference!
3/4 Moving forward, we'll continue fine-tuning the system to improve the accuracy of adult content labels. We're also reviewing our policy guidelines to ensure they're comprehensive and clear. More updates to come.
4/4 Spot an issue with the labels? You can help by reporting images you believe are incorrectly classified, or appealing labels you think were applied in error. Human moderators review all reports and appeals. We appreciate your assistance in getting image labeling correct!
Can we get a little update on folk being tagged pornographic for being fat?
They’re STILL labeling anyone with big tits as porn even when we’re fully clothed. Like we have any say in our genetics 😤
Avatar This seems concerning. Genetics shouldn't be part of any sort of filtering in any way, shape or form. LITERALLY.
are you still referring to anything detected as explicit as "pornography"? it's kind of a loaded word to be using especially when you have such a problem with false positives
That's been removed from almost everything in app, and currently the only reference is in an appeal flow that should be fixed near-term.
it's been renamed to adult content
My chest is still not adult content
My nudes, which I label nudity, get auto-flagged as pornography. When I appeal this (because my queer femme naked body is NOT automatically porn, there's an ugly context for this), all labels get removed. This is broken on a lot of levels.
But are the human moderators pilgrims? Because as of right now they appear to be so.
The human moderators have been rather puritan and their own bias shows through. The auto labels have been sexist. I know furries earned their reputation, but it's been extra strict against those of us that draw it, even if G or PG rated. Yet again where the human mods bias shows through.
If we self label why add extras? And why are my FULLY CLOTHED selfies being marked as porn? Seems like you’re STILL targeting anyone who happens to have big tits regardless of being fully clothed (which has come up MULTIPLE TIMES before)
They don’t actually respond to fat people with tits here it seems. Have never once had anyone from bsky engage on this. They just wanna pretend we don’t exist
We’ve literally been fighting this BS for the past like 9/10 months and they just ignore us and I’m fucking sick of it. I refused to post spicy pics until self labeling was created so i never post them without a label, but regardless of what it is I keep being labeled porn No my porn is porn FFS
Well this is concerning..... I haven't posted any selfies (yet), but am I really gonna be marked porn just because genetics said "GIANT TITS HERE! DUMP IT ALL HERE!"? They're covered, ffs.
I am BEGGING you for a way to block or just mute furry art and cartoons from my feed. I wish for them all to prosper in their own milieu but this would have a huge impact on usability for this app (for me).
I'm actually considering uninstalling if bluesky thought the problem was "not enough furry art makes it to discovery" There is too much. I have nothing against them, I want them to find their own, but if I have to see two fat dog men making out every time I open this app I'm not gonna use it.
I explicitly follow adult artists and haven't run into this, though the 'Classic Discover' feed is like half guys showing their dicks when I've checked
have you muted the hashtags? i know not everyone appropriately labels their posts but it could help
What's the best way to report errors in labels? People seem to be very confused about that. And, possibly reporting processes in general. Thank you!
Just click/tap the gray label and write down, what's wrong with the classification and send it. Somebody will take a look at it. I've just made a test and it was corrected within a couple of minutes.
When I click the gray label the picture is showing and that's all, nowhere to write down.
Do they correct "higher" or "lower" filtering or both, do you know? I'd be concerned that reporting something that was tagged "mature" (and wasn't) would get *penalized* by reporting that it was mistagged as adult when it was R or PG or G. (Other sites have trained me to this paranoia.)
🌌 can you please answer the women, femmes and fat people who have been screaming for months that the tagger is biased against them? We report so many images, so many! We self tag and the auto tagger replaces them with less accurate tags Why let us self tag at all if you don’t respect it?
That labeling system flat out doesn’t work. Actual identity thief’s don’t even get labeled correctly with illegal bad links set out to steal peoples banking information. Lack of moderation is always what causes the failure of social media sites.
a label should indicate if it was applied automatically or if there was human intervention. it is easier to justify appealing a questionable label if you know no human has looked at it yet
How about having human moderators check the AI labels before they go into effect, until the AI is properly trained. It's still classifying any nudity as pornography, even if it's completely innocent nudity.
I'm hoping that "Skinemax" level nudity will wind up on the side of (vaguely) artistic, not "pornography." I don't have any issue with porn (and occasionally photograph some), but the guidelines are vague. I did notice almost instant response to my appeals.
I feel like anything that is just female topless, unless absurdly provocative, should be "Nudity." Anything mundane and female topless should just be "Mature." #freethenipple
Fire fucking russians from your payroll.
I wish I had photoshop skills bc I saw this in my head as “payroll” being like a T-shirt cannon, only it shoots out copulating Russian couples 🤣
What are you confused about?
As an NSFW artist I can surely say they are correct. However, I feel bad for the person handling these labels and have to go through all my sick stuff :P Can't we help with adding labels ourselves during upload? (or can we already, i just cant find it?)
You can! It's the symbol with the shield and the exclamation point. You can tap it when you add an image
My issue is I have my settings at "allow" for things I am now being forced to click through, to see.