mostly offline these days.
I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as a Senior Researcher at ! I'm looking forward to conducting survey and experimental research to help protect American electoral democracy.
Ever need to make bar graphs of means in Stata? Ever wish you could add confidence intervals? If so, I made a new guide in the #StataGallery on @Medium on how to do it using -cibar- and/or -coefplot-. Lots of examples, tricks & of course all of the code. 😎
assigned this piece by and Thomas Hale in my (undergrad) Comparative Climate Politics class, and it is fantastic. Love the breakdown/discussion of climate forcing vs. vulnerable asset classes, and the discussion on obstructionism.
Uggggghhh. Randle leaving the game with what looks like a BAD shoulder injury after being fouled. Fuck the Miami Heat.
On the other end of the spectrum, working in restaurants is equally pro-immigration radicalizing, because you meet a lot of people who risked life and limb to get here "the wrong way" & realize over and over that they're better workers/citizens/people than you will ever be
Nothing has radicalized me on immigration more than graduate advising. We are bringing many of the most brilliant people on the planet here, paying to train them as cutting edge scholars, and then making it pointlessly difficult for them to stay here and use those skills to benefit society.
Nothing has radicalized me on immigration more than graduate advising. We are bringing many of the most brilliant people on the planet here, paying to train them as cutting edge scholars, and then making it pointlessly difficult for them to stay here and use those skills to benefit society.
If the border were open, they would be coming legally. Since it's not, here's what "coming legally" looks like.
spotted at trump international hotel just now
Toni Morrison giving me the wisdom I need just when I need. There is so much to be angry/appalled/dismayed about. Those emotions are fine, but after I give myself the space I need to feel them...I get to work. Because there is too much good waiting to be done for us to get distracted by the noise.
If you wanted to make the argument that this country is anything but a death cult you’d have a hard time
Good God, The Times promotes Alabama's triumphalism for finding another way to kill a human being. No ifs, ands, or buts in this headline....
immaculate grid, secessionist edition.
Fox is really pushing this
You absolutely love to see it GO NEW YORK GO NEW YORK GO
Gah the number of plays and misses the last few overs. This is really good bowling from Siraj and Bumrah. Hope they get a wicket soon #IndVsEng
This is too bad, and shows that -- as hard as policy change is when it comes to the clean energy transition -- it alone is insufficient. We need cultural *and* policy change. Wow, this is tough stuff. But I tell my students, there's no better time to get into this field!
This absolutely nails it. Sleep is so important, and treating rest as a reward for getting work done is uh, not good. (also, slept a full 8 hours last night, and now seeing all kinds of small errors I made earlier on a manuscript when working with not enough sleep.)
Beltre was a no-doubter, but absolutely love to see both Mauer and Helton (finally!) in the Hall. although damn, a bummer about Wagner.
feeling inspired to make biryani this weekend after seeing this.
What if we replaced cops' guns and tasers with biryani?
What if we replaced cops' guns and tasers with biryani?
So exciting to be teaching my grad congress course this spring for the first time in a few years. Any recommendations about exciting new stuff I should include? Legislative politics broadly defined -- self-nominations welcome! Grateful for any thoughts & suggestions!
how many more studies do we need saying offsets are bullshit? srsly, how many? as always, amazing work by barbara haya and dan kammen climatesky energysky
Who is studying / tracking laws or practices that crackdown on climate protests in democracies? This is Mann and Wainwright's Climate Leviathan TO A TEE.
Stop asking people to get multiple (4!) recommendation letters for awards. Especially external letters. All you are assessing is someone’s network.
This will be my last semester at Colorado State. In the fall, I will be joining Ohio State’s School of Communication. Absolutely never thought I would have a shot to work at a world class place like Ohio State. To be able to do that, and to be much closer to family, is just a dream come true.
Very pleased to have led the writing for this white paper on Canada's climate regs for its oil and gas sector, one of the largest in the world. Our message: close the loopholes! Cc:
Disappointing to see the Govt. of Canada backtracking on its own climate goals with its proposed regulatory framework for GHG emissions from oil and gas. CSL's white paper released today makes 4 recommendations to improve it
I wrote for Newsweek about my experience miscarrying in Texas after Dobbs. Democratic erosion and authoritarianism aren’t abstractions happening elsewhere—my story & that of countless other women are reminders that they happen every day in Texas & in other states. Polisky Gendersky Academicsky
I miscarried in Texas. My doctors put abortion law The pain is so blinding that I think I'm hallucinating. After Dobbs, lawyers, not women's lives, are now the overriding concern.
Nothing says "we are fully committed to Net Zero" like suing to block a shareholder climate resolution! ExxonMobil sues to block shareholder climate petition
ExxonMobil sues to block shareholder climate Oil company files lawsuit to prevent vote on motion calling for faster reductions in emissions