Samara Weiss

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Samara Weiss

Playwright. And so forth.
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As many people pointed out along the way, most of these would've likely ended as peacefully as ours if admin left them alone rather than called the cops. It's the end of the semester; students would inevitably graduate or go home for summer. Not sure why so many admin didn't think about that timing.
Cornell's encampment ends, voluntarily, after 2.5 weeks of being more or less left alone by uni admin. A marked contrast to Dartmouth, Columbia, etc. Too bad peaceful ends to peaceful encampments don't make national news. Grossly distorts public perception.
Coalition for Mutual Liberation Voluntarily Ends To close out a two-and-a-half-week encampment, approximately 250 supporters surrounded the original
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Seems fine to bring him in to address Congress as long as the warmup act is the Senate ratifying the ICC and he leaves in handcuffs
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In all my years of organizing, I've never experienced anything like what happened at UCLA last night. A 3-hour sustained attack by dozens of right-wingers armed with clubs, bear spray, and large explosives. I saw broken bones. Please support these students. Official fundraiser:
I’m fairly far out of the theater game at this point but that doesn’t mean I can’t side-eye some Guggenheim drama selections.
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Eric Adams has lost the Mandate of Heaven
an earthquake three days before a total eclipse of the sun would absolutely have taken out a whole ass dynasty back in the day
Love to Californiasplain to East Coasters when the ground shakes.
Reposted byAvatar Samara Weiss
Rest in Peace to Christopher Durang, one of the funniest to ever do it.
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Reposted byAvatar Samara Weiss
“decay” and “degradation” are among the more evocative and mellifluous words the language has to offer, but why use either of those or any synonym when you could make up a word that’s stupider, sounds worse, and can’t be easily grasped in conversation by anyone free of internet brainworms
The warring desires to argue with incorrect takes and to preserve any faintly pleasant corners of my existence.
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*Yeats looks directly at camera*
Sometimes the Centre just doesn’t help itself
Reading “Dirty Books: Erotic fiction and the avant-gardener in mid-century Paris and New York,” by Barry Reay and Nina Attwood
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Eric Adams has cut $60 million for school lunches. As a reminder, the NYPD spent $2.2 billion in overtime during the last year for which we have statistics.
Eric Adams Comes For Your Kid’s Favorite School Lunches - Hell And more news for your Thursday.
UTR is a massive crapshoot where all your usual quality-scrying tools fail you and nothing runs long enough to get reviews and when I end up disappointed I’m always despairingly sure that I could have seen a work of real genius if I’d only gone to the other show.
My father’s going to be crushed; I should call.
Wow, there's a passing. If you were of an age and in the right contexts for him you'd eventually hear about him -- calling him the Weird Al of classical music isn't EXACTLY right but not totally far off; as this piece notes, it was him hearing Spike Jones at age ten that was key.
Peter Schickele, musical parodist behind ‘P.D.Q. Bach,’ dies at He described his fictional creation as the “last and least” of J.S. Bach’s children.
Spending most of my social media minutes on tumblr looking at pictures of the Carpathians but felt the terrible pull to come on here to see Opinions.
My goal for this site is to follow fewer people who annoy me.
End of feed.