
Yes. Anyone who thinks that the media won't immediately start in on "voters have a lot of questions" or "voters expressed doubts about" or "and yet Harris comes with her own baggage" should Biden withdraw does not understand how the cycle of political reporting about Dems works.
Giving into the blood that they are screaming for now will not stop them, it will only reinforce their narrative & encourage them to go deeper. They will immediately turn on Harris and implicate her in a “coverup” of Biden’s health, wholly of their own design.
Trump is a convicted criminal and is under indictment and is an open and notorious opponent of our democracy and yet "questions linger over [fill in the blank some superficial thing]" will be the instant "analysis" of a Biden replacement.
"Dems in Disarray" is the frame they try to interpret everything through; it doesn't get better if you introduce ACTUAL disarray into the process!
That’s why Dem insiders who are trying to reach Biden by giving blind quotes to reporters are helping to create the very disarray the press is angling for. I don’t know what the right course is here but litigating your case in the maw of political press is very dumb
Just very dem behavior, a version of "can't someone else do something"
I doubt anyone would've predicted Mark Warner looking like the closest thing to a leader the Dems currently have. The last time he accomplished anything was 2003. If this group of Senators materializes, he might actually be right about deserving the presidency.
Ah well, nevertheless...
It’s wild how after *so* many fucking years there are still elected Democrats that don’t get that the press isn’t actually their friend
Have you seen even one news report trolling Biden describe any of their anonymous sources as marginalized, an outsider, a former insider, a frustrated has been political operative, a long discredited political pollster, or anything of that sort? Nope, every source is vanilla anon-credible. Pure BS.
The real story is Biden’s greatest political comeback in history
“The narrative” is already co-mingling stepping down as nominee and stepping down as president If they decapitate the party, they will go for potus as potus: the biggest story in history To paraphrase Fetterman, Ds need to grow a pair Look to Biden: nerves of steel, rock steady, unwavering