
Electing a president is about making a choice for the future, not the present. You are literally saying "I think this person will be better for the future."
Someone’s forgetting which administration moved the US Embassy for Israel to Jerusalem
why do you feel comfortable saying this to people? I didn't forget. I just happen to think between two bad actions, moving the embassy is less bad than killing six year olds like Salma
Here is a story from 10/15 when Israel DID NOT WANT TO TURN THE WATER ON IN GAZA, and just wanted everyone there to die of thirst. Who pressured and persuaded them to turn the water back on? Netanyahu? Trump? Joe Biden
Israel resumes water supply to southern Gaza after U.S. Israel's decision to completely stop the water supply to Gaza exacerbated the already dire humanitarian situation in Gaza.
oh good, the Palestinians have water while they're being shot in the nectk
do you think Hind Rajab asked for water, as Israelis used US weapons to kill anyone trying to rescue her from under the car they blew up?
Oh my God you mean to tell me that Netanyahu is committing a genocide and murdering children?! Holy shit I had no idea! If u r helping Trump get elected you're setting up MORE Hind Rajabs in the near future. Biden can be pressured to reign Israel in. Trump can't!
Jared Kushner says Gaza’s ‘waterfront property could be very valuable’ Donald Trump’s son-in-law also says Israel should bulldoze an area of the Negev desert and move Palestinians there
> If u r helping Trump get elected you're setting up MORE Hind Rajabs in the near future Get lost > Biden can be pressured to reign Israel in. When? Says who? When has this happened?
Come back and talk to me when you can spell words correctly, you halfwit.
You're an idiot right? You know Israel has razed Rafah and the U.S. is still sending them weapons. Of course you do.
This is a month old and nothing has stopped despite the invasion.
if CNN told you that joe biden told you to eat shit, would you do it? because based on this, it sure seems like it
Hey this is really tasteless hateful and evil what you’re doing which is making up excuses that justify the deaths of children
He also said he wouldn't send Israel $ for weapons if they attacked Rafah you fucking clown.
My brother in christ This was a publicity lie He turned right around and did it anyway CNN or msnbc isn't going to tell you because they're as reliable as Fox News, they just root for a different team
Biden's administration has seen every single atrocity Israel has committed and used its full might to protect it from prosecution for those war crimes from the United Nations. He has made a mockery of international law, all so that Israel can finish its ethnic cleansing project with genocide.
It's funny that you talk about Trump supporting land theft in Gaza when just yesterday Biden condemned as antisemites people who were protesting the sale of land in the West Bank. Biden supports the dispossession of Palestine Btw, there have been 20,000 Hind Rajabs under Biden. Twenty. Thousand.
I think we're in agreement that genocide is bad and that Israel is doing a genocide. The issue that you seem incapable of accepting is that there is a difference between the two parties and that one of them is worse for Palestinian children than the other.
US Congressman Andy Ogles stirs outrage with Gaza comment – ‘Kill them all’ Video of the United States representative has gone viral after he clashed with pro-Palestinian protesters in Washington.
> The issue that you seem incapable of accepting is that there is a difference between the two parties and that one of them is worse for Palestinian children than the other. Do you enjoy talking down to a Muslim American person who has been advocating for Palestine since 2000?
Joe Biden is a dyed-in-the-wool Zionist and things could not be much worse
and how do you Joe Biden democrats always manage to predict the future?
> and things could not be much worse Lolcry If you truly believe this I don't think you're paying close enough attention.
Whom do you expect to convince with this? (Or are you done pretending this is about anything other than stroking yourself off?)
you're the one posting about Rafah redlines and Biden being pushed you dullard and you're a few minutes from being muted
I don't know you. I apologize if I come across as disrespectful, but this is a very important calculation in which US citizens get to pick a person who will make a large difference in the lives of a bunch of innocent children. Please don't pretend that Trump would be better than Biden.
Trump is stupid and easily distracted. I suffered under Trump, I hate Trump, but those kids were alive. If you want to tell me their lives (and my health) is worth your comfort, go ahead and tell me that.
Yes yes you mean when there was an active war in Gaza under Trump and he told Netanyahu to chill out right? Lol you can't find such an instance because it never happened, brother. I don't care if you call me names.
Blinken reverses Trump-era policy on Israeli settlements in occupied West Blinken says the U.S. again views the settlements as "inconsistent with international law."
I was being overly salty, I apologize. It have been condescended to all day, which doesn’t excuse my remark. But the fact of the embassy move I do believe encouraged Netanyahu n a way that lead to that child’s death. I am not discounting anyone’s actions or inactions.
And he proceeded to send them even more weapons to continue the genocide.
Holy shit Ryan are you telling me that Biden isn't perfect and is being too easy on Israel?! OMG I had no idea! 😯😯😯 My brother the point I am making is that Zionist Biden is better for Gazan children than the dude team genocide is ACTIVELY ROOTING FOR.
"Isn't perfect" means aiding and supplying a genocide. If that's not a red line for you, fuck off.
Ryan my man I have some horrible news for you in terms of either of the people that will be president next year. Vote third party and elect Miriam Fucking Adelson's candidate of choice if you want to, but you'll be making the genocide worse. (Hopefully you understand this?)
I don't think any of us are your "man" (or woman or NB)
But Joe Biden can be pushed!
so. they turned if off like days later when the teevee cameras were off. why isn’t biden sending tanks to ram through the settlers blocking aid oh you can easily tell from your profile you’re a biden/dnc/israel lobbyist bot putz
Oh my God man I'm not a bot dude, I'm just a person on the fucking internet like you. Also are you saying Israel turned the water BACK OFF when the "television cameras were off?" Can you provide a source for that wild ass claim?
be quiet quisling nobody believes anything you’re saying. ESPECIALLY WITH THE ALL CAPS ON
Lol name-calling. U got nothing.
Also Biden can't lol "send tanks" to other random ass countries to ram people, even if they're dickhead colonizers like settlers. Do you think this shit is Call of Duty?