
I try not to think to much about morons who say sports aren’t political, and players should “stick to dribbling” etc, but Reggie Jackson gave an extended panel answer at the Negro Leagues celebration yesterday about how awful it was to play in Birmingham, with all of its racism, and it’s everything
Explaining what it meant that he couldn’t eat at a segregated country club with the team, so the whole team left. Explaining the Birmingham church bombing that killed the 4 little girls. Explaining how angry he was and if it hadn’t been for his teammates and management, he’d have been lynched.
This country does not want to hear it. And if you do talk about it, people will act like you’re holding them down and force-feeding them poison. This country cannot face itself, or its history. Doesn’t want to. You can’t make it. Toddler shit.
I know it wouldn't make a difference but I want to do the Ludovico Technique with that clip and every racist boomer baseball fan. Reggie is not that fucking old and he was treated like absolute shit in this country for being black, period, show that clip before every game instead of the anthem
Even for those who aren’t racists, not teaching the facts of Jim Crow leads to white people believing it’s an exaggeration. Just having a common history is so valuable. We are whitewashing our history because it’s not 100% glorious, as we seem to need to believe.
Thinking Black people are exaggerating racism *is* racism, though.
It is indeed. But there are, likely, people who are assuming exaggeration as they don’t know what they don’t know - the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
This is true. My mother-in-law was dreadfully hurt at her 50th HS reunion. Her former classmates refuses to remember that she had not been allowed to attend Sr prom because it was held at a country club which, at that time, excluded Jews. They insisted she had been there.
I was at the minor league game at Rickwood Tuesday night and yes. All of this.
This was really powerful. It’s important to recognize how far we’ve come, but how far we still have to go. On Tuesday night, they had an all-black umpire crew and when one got a call wrong, there was a big redneck asshole a few rows behind me bitching about “DEI umpires.”
I'm frustrated by the takes that focus exclusively on how bad it was "back then", because his answer opens with mentioning the racist shit people said to him (that he was a conqueror taking an air of superiority) there *yesterday*.
ah, *yesterday* when all our troubles seemed so far away welcome to today bitches it’s actually already tomorrow bc we are in the future
and so it was written, in the history books. if you don’t believe me, check the wikipedias on yr shelf
Full video of the incredible, heartbreaking, enraging, touching answer is linked here for anyone whose interested. Must watch
Watch Reggie Jackson speak absolute unfiltered truth tonight - I watched it twice. He isn't romanticizing shit - just jaw dropping.
Full Reggie Jackson answer to Arod's question about returning to Rickwood Posted in r/baseball by u/Stock412 • 4,147 points and 367 comments
Now that it’s autofill instead of autocorrect that happens more and more.
I wonder if, before sports, when religion was the opiate of the people, folks used to complain about cardinals getting out of their lane..."stick to sermons, Richelieu".
It's always some bigoted version of "keep /your/ politics out of sports (or whatever)!" Because they've always been fine with their own, generally status quo politics.
Weren’t soccer and rugby birthed from squabbles between cities?