Sen. Gogurt taking notes on a criminal conspiracy

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Sen. Gogurt taking notes on a criminal conspiracy

dumb laws deserve my thoughts on them

i will do your podcast with &
City Saint/Country Saint with
france results are basically how i've been thinking about the us race and why i have been relatively calm. do not point out how the center here acts towards the left thank you.
Today, in Prospect Park, from 2-9, a 7-hour *7 7* community variety show! I'm cohosting from 2-3:30 and there is cool stuff all day. The Pavilion is near the Boathouse on the east side of the park.
I wish i had jokes that supported Biden staying in but it's not the option that lends itself to jokes and my brain only works one way (poorly)
... so God says "I sent you a fireman, I sent you a boat, I sent you a helicopter..."
the faks as comic relief are neither comic nor a relief. discuss amongst yourselves.
the male urge to respond "no it doesn't"
gotdamn if this isn’t EXACTLY what destroys relationships of every kind between men and women—family, platonic, workplace, romantic no amount of love can withstand being shot down every single time she opens her mouth
The fundamental issue with asking "why don't people call for Trump to resign" is like asking why it's such a big deal that McCluskey was on the Turk's payroll when nobody is asking Don Corleone to step down.
90% of Trump's calendar was Executive Time
anyway, i have blocked that person but wanted the original point to stand, because this only took me around a minute to shred
AND he can pardon them proactively! He can give blanket pardons for categories of officers before he leaves office that the next President can't revoke.
I don't understand this point. Trump can just pardon them.
do you know how rare it is that Michael and I agree to the smallest detail? we usually find something to nitpick just to get the other guy mad.
co-sign but i will add: i don't know the best path but i do know the worst path, and that's replacing him with anyone other than kamala, via any process whatsoever.
grilled skirt steak with a soy/ginger/garlic marinade, whole fish (oddly unspecified but local catch?) with parsley/garlic=ginger/lemon/sea salt and sweet corn. pretty good day for the last 4th of July.
none of this matters. he wants a republican to win and a democrat to lose. he wrote the immunity opinion because trump is currently the republican nominee and he wants him to be the next president. you don't have to overthink this. roberts certainly didn't.
Even so, any self-reflection on giving a free pass to an unstable monster who thinks he got fucked by you 4 years ago might lead one to go "maybe I shouldn't."
no. roberts wrote the immunity opinion because he is a movement conservative and always has been. he seems "moderate" to dimwits because his method is to operate slowly, doing his damage with paper cuts and false humility while embedding the next step in each ruling.
This a "he joined the majority to write the opinion and try to limit the craziness" view?
this may be hard to fathom but john roberts does not believe a single word of that opinion.
John Roberts must be the most neurotypical person in existence because the immunity ruling reads like someone who has never had a single “but what if…???” anxiety spiral in his life
Guy who owns a pinball company: The Democrats should choose their next candidate in a televised pinball tournament
Trump is going to pardon whoever hangs Mike Pence to celebrate his second inauguration and Biden is going to forget to pardon his son.
Austria could have gone to OT if Pentz had the courage
this is an insane response to a judge ruling that a city council can't impose an insane understanding of pornography (acknowledging the existence of non-straight identity) in public facilities under the first amendment and also clearly illegal!
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
I don't! imo this kind of statement is very calculated. I wouldn't say it's a sign that Clyburn wants or expects Biden to step aside but I do think it is a sign that it is being considered and he's giving the party notice that Harris would be the replacement and he expects no funny business.
I think people are overreading that Jim Clyburn quote
at least follow me back if you're going to steal my image and redo my tweet!
the conservative theory of law in one headline
Alas, Biden's reaction was closer to "I'll be damned. 'To Serve Man' is a cookbook! I promise not to use these recipes!"
After the Court’s decision yesterday, I think there’s an argument from necessity for Biden seizing Trump and trying him by military tribunal, given the sudden unavailability of Article III courts. Plus, itʼs just the sort of thing they’ve authorized an active and energetic chief executive to do.
pay attention to this space - i may have something to say
I started a podcast about how much I hate Bill Maher. It's called I Hate Bill Maher. So far, I have not had a single person express surprise to me over the show's premise.
I Hate Bill Maher the Podcast — Will
it is a longstanding strategy of right wing nominees to lie at their hearings. Rehnquist lied about why he wrote a memo against Brown v Board. Alito lied about his membership in a segregationist alumni group. Thomas and Kav? Well... The lies about how they'll decide cases is small beer.
This isn’t “hypocrisy,” he was lying about what he believes so they would confirm him
the funniest exercise of presidential power would be to burn down the supreme court citing the take care clause
Have Martha-Ann investigated for insurrection over the upside down flag.
Okay, folks, who is putting together the list of the funniest crimes that Biden should be committing between now and election day to highlight the absurdity of today's immunity ruling? Not the stuff like assassinations. Just stuff to make a point.