Jason McGlothlen

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Jason McGlothlen


Master of Science at the intersection of light, matter + time
Midnightsumo just said that Mitoryu is a former speed skater. Life is anything you want it to be mane.
A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
I feel like a lot of folks probably don't know what the photo on the left is. It's when the entire 2004 Republican National Convention was dedicated to mocking John Kerry's multiple Purple Hearts earned in legit battle k. Vietnam...all because he correctly said Bush's Iraq War was bad!
Never change, you terrible, terrible political party.
He knows his cultists are the ones that would actually move against him like the shooter did, and they're the only ones who want to be around him now. A perfect hell of his own making.
shot / chaser, man of destiny edition
we should publish a 925 page rebuttal to project 2025 that includes policies like legalizing molly, mandating eating ass, and a three day work week. we’ll put 100 justices on the supreme court and liquidate private equity firms. really hit the gas on moving the overton window. ban pickleball too.
trump dissociates like a zoomer now it rocks
i need more photos of trump going huskmode at the convention lol
i am not gonna cheer violence as a solution but if it turns out that this man who has absolutely reveled in terrorizing people his entire life, long before he even got into politics, spends the rest of his days afraid, well, sometimes you get what you fucking deserve.
he looks awful and also the alt text here is worth it
"The rules say you can't change the Supreme Court without the Supreme Court's permission" well first of all the rules don't say that. Second of all it doesn't matter they already ripped up the fucking rulebook and wiped their asses with it and you're over here trying to unsmear the shit off of it
People just becoming indistinguishable from centrist weiners about court reform because they don’t like Biden, you sound like people going “ummm how are you going to pay for that” about universal healthcare
idk but making this election a referendum on “do you want fucking kings again” seems like an old school good vibes time that everyone could get behind
i want this so fuckin bad
keep thinking about this w/r/t the press relentlessly promoting a "Trump adopting a unifying message after the shooting" story. The MAGA freaks think it's hilarious that the press is so stupid and they're not even really wrong.
I think honestly a key to Trump's popularity. He inverted the theatrical aspect from one where the Meet The Press class were in on the joke and the conservative voters were the rubes, to one where the conservative chuds were in on the joke and the DC crowd were the rubes bsky.app/profile/rinc...
I only read about half of The Privatization of Everything before I had to stop from sheer rage and frustration but there’s a whole section about how the attempted privatization of the NWS has already led to people dying from tornados as subscription services get weather alert priority.
It's because they want to privatize weather. They tried doing it under his last administration but many people didn't really notice beyond the weird hurricane drawing he did. It's also why they cut (or at least tried to it's been a minute since I read that stuff) a bunch of NASA Earth's funding too
Trump’s Pick to Lead Weather Agency Spent 30 Years Fighting Itwww.bloomberg.com Who owns the weather?
BREAKING: Trump has a secret gun owner database, and the father of the Trump rally shooter was on it, targeted as a super-supporter. So America can't have a gun database to keep our kids from getting slaughtered. But Trump can have one to find suckers to support him?
I’ve talked a lot about my perceptions of Dems who are currently freaking out but it’s remarkable how fast that group tends to default to condescension and sneering when presented with good faith, reasonable pushback. The social cost to any dissent against that group is extraordinarily high.
anyway this is what got the block, in response to me saying pretty much what I said above about the poll. i am not by nature a tremendously patient man and i do what i must to protect my blood pressure.
So Trump called RFK Jr to discuss how "we're going to win" but not the widow of the man who took his bullet?
This. This. This a thousand times
The reason that the language of domestic abuse and the language of authoritarianism looks the same is because it's just the same thing on a different scale.
Existing Trump supporters—including political reporters privately in sympathy with him—obviously experienced a powerful galvanizing emotion from the failed assassination attempt. They assumed that emotional experience would be widespread, but so far the polling doesn’t bear that out.
This seems like a grim natural experiment to show that access to mental health services isn't going to neutralize access to guns when it comes to controlling violence
Jesus, both of Thomas Matthew Crooks' parents are licensed professional counselors. "The AR-15 rifle Crooks used was one of more than a dozen registered to and legally purchased by his father, with whom he often went to the shooting range, officials said." www.wsj.com/us-news/myst...
Having dealt with trash pandas before: they are smart enough to know a dumpster when they see one, so this is absolutely what's happening here.
timeline cleanse hat tip @penryu.bsky.social
So far this is basically the trans-bashing convention and (1) it's disgusting, and (2) I'm really not sure it's what normal people want to hear from a political party. Also if any neutral media type really care about "lowering the temperature" they should start note the hate speech in Milwaukee.
idk how to explain this but i strongly feel that JD Vance is related to the Hamburglar
The thing about Mr Beast is I don’t know how I can see 1200 pictures of a guy doing a weird smile and never once have heard his voice