
Interesting take on the GOP platform from a well-connected Oregon Republican who is at the convention. Pro-lifers are pissed and may withhold their votes, and the platform process was way more top down and far less deliberative than it previously had been.
Two thoughts on this: 1) I'm sure the super pro-lifers (and also anti-LGBTQ crowd) are mad at what was left out of the platform, but I highly doubt they'll stay home in November. 2) This self-described "grassroots" informant is incredibly naive/in denial about the authoritarian nature of Trump's GOP
Interestingly, I've seen no evidence so far that the radical anti-abortionists are seeing this 14th Amendment language in the platform (that seems to point toward the quite radical idea of fetal personhood) as a win.
In #Florida, they’ll use the State Sup. Ct to get to the fetal personhood argument. Judges appointed by Gov., which means DeSantis has a stacked court, of “Federalist Society” judges. Even if voters pass Abortion Rights Amendment, they’ll attack this way.
Fetal Personhood Fight Spurred by Florida Abortion Ballot The Florida Supreme Court has primed abortion opponents to seek broad fetal personhood protections, and litigators on both sides of an abortion rights ballot measure say the legal battles over pregnan...
okay but (2) there makes the account all the more fascinating
I find this person to be quite fascinating in that she is pretty much an open book and appears to be fairly guileless. But her boundless naivete means that she often ends up revealing things that a more savvy political operator never would.
I hope she never figures out that you're watching
I'll believe it when I see it. Trump's power plus the transactional advantage of sticking with Trump, for what you can get - not nothing - trumps all. They'll grumble then get in line 100%. Trump taps into the Republican id too powerfully for there to be any energy left to kick the Trump habit.
They may grumble, but they will not waver. They are in a patriarchal cult that demands obedience and fealty to the father figure. I can't imagine anything that would keep them from voting. They'll be told it's a test of their faith and keep marching.
don't tease me
Some people responding are skeptical but I'd imagine when you got a guy who's just running for President again just to get out of his legal troubles and to save his business he'd do at least a couple of things that would really piss off the true believers.
Seems the Republican grassroots folks are pining for democratic processes. That ship has sailed on their side of the world.
They chose tRump and are now complaining? Are they whiny witches or just stupid