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Ow bist mon? Comedy, nature & real ale lover. Oh and a Proud Salopian.
#Shropshire #Salop
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No longer carbon neutral
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Giant Hogweed today in SE Shropshire during survey of wetland area. Spectacular as ever but #notatinyplant #wildflowerhour
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Shrewsbury hospital gets so much bad press but I have been there this weekend with my mum in law receiving emergency care and the whole team and organisation from start to finish has been excellent. Care has been second to none. Thank you 👌🏻 #Shropshire #NHS
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Heading home for dinner. Barn Owl. #ukbirds #ukwildlife 🪶
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Got a spare £1.4m? Come and buy the centrepiece of my #WestrayBirding local patch! Noup Farm (inc Noup Head - lighthouse not included - Loch of the Stack and your own white sand beach and bay), here in Westray. Great bird list and potential. Comes complete with resident birder.
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Illustration for this week’s Sunday Times
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Well, everyone. Since we've all had a hell of a few years, and things have shifted a bit in the last 24 hours - I think we deserve a treat. Time for the kitten seen from underneath photo? Oh, I think so. We've all been very good. We deserve it.
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Bird work in progress because wild lives matter👇🪶 #UKBirds #UKWildlife #UKNature #NestingBirds
Remember everyone, it's important to vote. 15 votes for the closest. BBC News - Smallest majorities: The seats won by fewer than 100 votes - BBC News www.bbc.co.uk/news/article...
Smallest majorities: The seats won by fewer than 100 voteswww.bbc.co.uk The seats won by the smallest majorities at the 2024 general election.
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I just saw this resumé of events from Ian Dunt. He sounds very optimistic. what Democrats have learned here—from the rare times when they controlled both houses of Congress AND the White House—there's a small window of time–right up front—to get almost everything done. you have to go for it. fast.
Surprise find was a Large Yellow Underwing hiding in the charging port of the car.
It's Friday it's sunny and most of the country are in a good mood. Surely it's #FingerpostFriday!
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Dear Keir Starmer, This Puffin has no idea who you are. Yet your decisions will affect them, and all UK wildlife, immensely. We need you to prioritise nature from day one. You've got a lot on, we know. But #NatureCantWait. Kind regards, RSPB
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Liz Truss’ record breaking: - Shortest reigning PM - First PM in 100 years to lose their seat - Tory MP with largest ever swing to Labour
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Rachel Reeves is the UK’s first female Chancellor of the Exchequer #UKLabourGovernment
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A list of eight cute animal rhymes to say farewell... 8. In a while, crocodile 7. Toodle-oo, kangaroo 6. Ciao for now, Jersey cow 5. Why you still here, white-tailed deer 4. Just piss off, luna moth 3. Go to hell, red gazelle 2. Kiss my hole, woodland vole 1. Off you fuck, crested duck
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At least the Greens will get as much coverage as Reform across all the channels now.
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Light and dark - a rainbow flashes across the sky above Titterstone Clee. I always think the radar domes look like something out of a science fiction film, but they lie within the ramparts of a hill fort dating back to the late Bronze Age or early Iron Age. #Shropshire
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This morning Shrewsbury has a Labour MP! Congratulations Julia Buckley! Hooray! And I'm so relieved to get shut of Tory Daniel Kawcynski.
Oh how lovely, Daniel Kawczynski has lost by a big swing to Labours Julia Buckley in Shrewsbury. The lemon has gone, and now hopefully some who might vote to clean up the river. #DKLemonDay #Shrewsbury.
Almost a Lib Dems win in South Shropshire. Only 1600 votes in it. The predicted polling had Labour with a much stronger support than the result.
North Shropshire returns the brilliant Helen Morgan, who has done so well since she won the by-election. #Shropshire
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Chris Grayling is on his way to the House of Lords. There is no sanity in the world.