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Introvert. Observer. Linguist. Avid reader. Lover of watersports, Siamese cats and all small furries. Pro a united Europe, Proportional Representation and a kinder, fairer world.
The project 2025 people are extremists. They propose a strictly puritanical society with extreme penalties for anybody they disagree with. This is the US under a Trump/Vance Presidency if you don't get out and vote in November.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
England are through to the final of Euro 2024. The Tories have been voted out. I’d just like to suggest to the person with the magic lamp that they use their last wish very wisely.
“This Nato gathering, with Starmer playing his part, needs to reaffirm support for Ukraine; Europeans must commit to doing more& leaders must reassert convincingly that Nato will last the course. Because if Putin wins in Ukraine, he will not stop there.”
In a fragile and dangerous era, strengthening ties with Europe is Britain's most urgent challenge | Kim Keir Starmer inherits a foreign policy in-tray that includes two wars and the possible return of Trump
Dear all, Some years ago, over on a site called Twitter, I shared a story about the odious Jacob Rees-Mogg. He used to be an MP. I am going to cut and paste the story into this thread for you to enjoy. The story is 19 tweets (what they used to be called) long. They're numbered. Let's go... 0/19
Who will be the key figures in Keir Starmer’s government? “Here are some of the politicians, advisers, union leaders, business figures and policy experts who are set to hold key positions or wield influence.”
Great video; bitter sweet. The last 10Y of my career dismissed as part of an academic ‘blob’; my mum &brother dying alone as Johnson partied. But then again; the sun rises on my grandkids’ education& future. Finally looking forward with hope. #LabourLandside
Thank you! A new day has dawned in Westminster.
Everyone who sees or hears the media, especially the “balanced” BBC, doing this needs to complain directly to them. Already BBC news talking about farage and 4 seats in the hourly headlines, and ignoring the Greens’ 4 seats
As promised, I have created a LinkedIn page for the JMD Foundation. I'll put some content on there as soon as I can. It would be great to get some follows
JMDF | JMDF | Dedicated to helping individuals and families in the UK facing hardship, regardless of the cause of that hardship
We did it! A Lib Dem MP in Dominic Raab’s old seat. Well done Monica Harding!
For all those asking I absolutely shall hold the next Government to account just as I have this one. Let’s start by giving this one the boot first
And here, some even wiser words. Starmer has to offer more than just nebulous promises of change, his government has to materially change things for the people the Tories have alienated, stolen from and spat upon. Otherwise, fascism will grow here, too.
The end of an The UK goes to the polls tomorrow. Labour is expected to win a landslide victory. But storm clouds are already gathering.
According to Sky, the LibDems have ‘one last stunt’ ready for the end of the campaign.
Honestly still in shock that the most crooked American President in history said "I need immunity" and the GOP Supreme Court said "well, it's nowhere in the constitution, but sure, why not? Whats the worst that could happen?"
This. Don't forget your ID people.... #GE2024 #GTTO
What's that? You're checking today that you have an appropriate piece of ID to hand, so you can go vote tomorrow? Good idea #GE04 #RememberYourID
Beware this sort of story. At least some of this “reporting” is being done to encourage “I don’t need to vote, it’s a foregone conclusion” thinking. Get out on Thursday #GeneralElection #GE2024
Latest Survation is suggesting only 3 seats between the Lib Dems and Tories. Don't let Ed's bungee jumping be in vain, vote tactically and make him Leader Of The Opposition #UKElection #UKGE2024 #UKPolitics
Only if we get the vote out. The right will vote, of course they will, and they hope enough of those opposing them don't vote because they think it's a forgone conclusion. It's not. We must vote. Every abstention is a vote for the incumbent.
I can't believe we, as a species, invented bread and cheese - two things that require multiple, complicated steps as well as microbe husbandry - and this is the best political system we've got
This page gives all tactical voting sites’ recommendations for every constituency Do share🙏 Amazing work from Peter Inglesby #VoteTactically for a #ToryWipeout & put them in third place‼️
Aggregating Tactical Voting Recommendations for the General
What utter bilge Rishi Sunak You’ve had your time. You Tories have had 14 years of our lives and it’s been nothing short of a catastrofucking disaster. No way we’re entrusting you with a single second of our future after that. We’re so voting you out and we cannot bloody wait.
Andy Lawton has put together a table of expected UK election declarations crossed with the average of the MRP polls so you can see when the main action should happen. You’ll have to wait till c. 4am to see Labour announced as the government.
Lawyers on bluesky: "Foundation" is a sensitive word under the Companies Act 2006 in the UK. To use this in an organisation name requires evidence of not for profit activity - does Community Interest Company status automatically confer this?
“UK Covid hospitalisations increase following emergence of new FLiRT variant” What a bloody surprise - not. Gov not offering free boosters to everyone who wants one (like eg France) & chemists charging ~£100 contributes to this. #CovidIsNotOver
UK Covid hospitalisations increase following emergence of new The rise is thought to be due to waning immunity and a new group of Covid variants collectively referred to as FLiRT
Extremely concerning data revealed by citizen science in waterways quality- incredible that post brexit rivers etc tested once per 3y instead of annually by environment agency and notably goals for proportion clean waters ⬇️ 🧪🌍
Citizen testing finds 75% of rivers in Britain in poor ecological Data collected by thousands of volunteers reveals ‘truly disturbing’ state of rivers from nutrient pollution
Well, it seems the Tories new strategy is to suppress the vote with "It's a foregone conclusion, innit? So don't bother voting, just stay at home and put your feet up, eh?" ads, because they are the best people in the world and love democracy. If you can vote, please ignore that noise and do so.
The people who elect Reform MPs are going to find themselves completely stuffed. There’ll be no surgeries, no helping constituents with problems. Farage and the rest just like playing the game of politics, not grinding out the work.
A little seascape with oxeye daisies in the foreground. This little artwork has just been added to my shop. It is an original and is a very fair price... #drawing #MixedMedia #painting #artwork #art #Landscape #Wildflowers #Ocean #Sea
If you want us to be proud of our country, invest in its public services, pay its healthcare workers properly, clean up its waters, improve its public transport, make it work for people… Forcing 18yr olds into some half-baked National Service is just a nostalgia-soaked gimmick.