Danny Pinion

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Danny Pinion


Swingin' on the Riviera one day. And then layin' in the Bombay alley next day...
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Every pundit fretting over Biden’s age should mention that he could be a walking corpse and electing him would still be the only way to protect abortion rights.
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President Eisenhower, age 67, suffered a stroke in 1957. For several days, he was unable to communicate intelligibly, but he quickly recovered. He finished the remainder of his term.
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Anyone who blithely speaks of leaving the country depending on Trump's election is abandoning the poor, the sick, the old, the unjustly imprisoned, the migrant worker, the single mothers....all those who can't simply move to X if the odor of the Trumps so offends them.
Anyone who blithely speaks of leaving the country depending on Trump's election is abandoning the poor, the sick, the old, the unjustly imprisoned, the migrant worker, the single mothers....all those who can't simply move to X if the odor of the Trumps so offends them.
President Eisenhower, age 67, suffered a stroke in 1957. For several days, he was unable to communicate intelligibly, but he quickly recovered. He finished the remainder of his term.
"Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead"
Movies starring Chris Pratt have grossed $5.34 billion
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The present situation in Sudan is terrible, and there is a real risk of famine on a massive scale: “We’ve seen mortality projections estimating that in excess of 2.5 million people, about 15% of the population in Darfur and Kordofan – the hardest hit regions – could die by the end of September,”
‘We need the world to wake up’: Sudan facing world’s deadliest famine in 40 yearswww.theguardian.com Millions face disaster as Sudanese army and RSF accused of using food access as a weapon in on-going war
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Jesus shares he has been a farm worker for 14 years and today was the last day of the cherry harvest for him in the central valley of CA. He earned $5.50 for each container he filled. Tomorrow he wil start picking tomatoes. #WeFeedYou
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Darfur’s largest city is at risk of falling to the Rapid Support Forces, leading experts to warn of the real risk of genocide. Bellingcat and our partners Beam Reports have been examining the deteriorating situation over the past month... www.bellingcat.com/news/africa/...
Civilians Trapped in Al Fashir as Rapid Support Forces Advance - bellingcatwww.bellingcat.com Open sources reveal the deteriorating situation for civilians trapped in Al Fashir as experts warn of genocide risk if the city falls.
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In case you're curious: In the NYT piece on the DESI dark energy result, author claimed a cosmological constant rips structures apart (it doesn't). In the Quanta piece, author claimed dilution of matter causes decelerated cosmic expansion (a massive misunderstanding of the physics).
Boko Haram has been responsible for violence in Nigeria since 2009, resulting in many victims. As of April 2024, the World Health Organization reported 8 million people need humanitarian assistance, with over 80% of them being women and children. www.bbc.com/news/world-a...
Why Nigeria's economy is in such a messwww.bbc.com Nigeria is experiencing its worst economic crisis in a generation, leading to nationwide protests.
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Rosita is picking serrano peppers in Fresno CA. The high reached 108° yesterday and since she is paid $3 a bucket, she picked as fast as she could to make her daily quota. Being on her knees all day is wreaking havoc on her body but she needs to work. #WeFeedYou #CALOR
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