
Every pundit fretting over Biden’s age should mention that he could be a walking corpse and electing him would still be the only way to protect abortion rights.
I’m a single-issue voter on this and my goal is to turn every wavering voter in America into one as well. The GOP did it FOR DECADES. Let’s go, folks.
Undecided or put-off voters will likely not respond to calls about “saving democracy,” but anyone who lives in a red state rn is probably one degree of separation from someone who has already faced an obstacle to repro care. This is real and urgent.
Cannot emphasize enough that virtually every woman has either had an obstetric emergency or knows someone who has. (Men know them too, but I don’t think all of them realize it.)
Men, ask the people in your life about this!!!!
When it became clear that Dobbs was problematic for IVF, the people who pushed for Roe to be overturned were like “Oh that’s a feature, not a bug.” They also made it clear they were going after Griswold next. WTF is wrong with people. It’s not about the candidate personally, it’s about the policies.
This literally came up at a birthday party the other day! "Someone I know thought it would be nice to move to Austin, Texas, but then she got pregnant...." The story ended with an emergency flight rebooking to New York.
Wish both cry & evidence of "Republicans are coming for your rights!" could survive generations of Big Govt Evil messaging. It's Republican judges who're the "corporations are people" people and just gave them control of regulations, who let unlimited money into campaigns and dismiss voting rights.
I just moved from North Carolina, and if Trump gets elected and Mark Robinson gets elected Governor, it is absolutely game over for reproductive rights there.
In 2004, I started saying “I’d vote for a jar of toenail clippings over that guy” and, mfker, I will be gd delighted to put that in action. Just try me
He also has a Constitutional successor if anything happens, and she’s even more committed to abortion rights!
She is a fantastic warrior for this moment in the fight, actually
Then just elect her, instead of joe who has "never supported the whole (my body my choice" thing"
Great point. Who would be the GOP VP?
The DNC needs to make this election about everything *but* Trump. Abortion, contraception, SCOTUS, Harlan Crow, Heritage, 1/6. It will drive Trump nuts b/c he *needs* enemies. Vote for Biden to stop the full panoply of awful that is empowered by a Trump presidency. Wider appeal than just Biden.
He could be a chain-dragging ghost, and I could have a gun pressed to my temple, and I still wouldn't vote for Trump. Defending women's autonomy, the climate, the economy, the Constitution, ...
Yeah, but that isn’t exciting. Now getting to say they played a part in changing the presidential race, now that’s exciting
Or just, like, rights in general.
Why aren’t we focusing on not re-electing the wanna be dictator?
I think the pundits are misreading the public on this. By equating regular aging (Biden) with the actual cognitive decline millions of us are seeing in our parents & grandparents, they seem ageist. 62M voters are over 65. This MSM freak out has a “send gramps to a home” undercurrent.
Voter turnout will decide this election. There's no point in trying to appeal to someone on the fence about these two candidates. It's a question of whether more men over 60 or women under 40 vote. Maybe that's oversimplified, but not too much.