Danny Pinion

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Danny Pinion


Swingin' on the Riviera one day. And then layin' in the Bombay alley next day...
I think putting the focus on how able a VP she is, and a casual reference to the classic 'heartbeat' away. Biden turned 21 two days before JFK was assassinated. He might want to share his memory (I'm sure it's clear) and emphasize the unknowability of the future. "And Pres Kennedy was only 46."
"Folks, it's because of you that I am president and Kamala Harris is vice president. And by the way, she's not only a great vice president. She could be president of the United States." —Joe Biden at the NAACP convention today. Covertly floating a 25th amendment balloon?
He's undeniably the largest figure the Republican party has produced since Reagan, and certainly the greatest force of change since Reagan who dismantled so much of what liberals accomplished in the 50 years before 1980.
In 1971 the term “spoiler” first saw print. Doug Kenney — editor and co-founder of the National Lampoon magazine — produced an aptly-named feature, “Spoilers.” I used to read it religiously with candles and incense. www.techtimes.com/articles/117...
When National Lampoon Magazine Dropped The Atom Bomb Of Spoilerswww.techtimes.com The Internet is full of spoilers. Back in April of 1971, so was National Lampoon Magazine ... Spoiler: The very word strikes mortal fear into fans of, well, pretty much anything.
The spoilers I remember were the article where he revealed how famous monsters died at the end of the movie. 'King Kong' - twin mounted Vickers machine guns 'The Blob' - freeze it 'The Thing From Another World' - 50,000 Volts 'The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms' - radiation poisoning etc.
Tax the rich, feed the poor 'Til there are no rich no more - Alvin Lee 'I'd Love to Change the World'
There are a number of pithy comments I've self-edited b/c I don't think the transcript would sound good before the tribunal.
If only for that crazy yodel.
Reposted byAvatar Danny Pinion
Antonio sent this picture of farm workers picking bell peppers in the state of Georgia. On the day he sent this in the temp was expected to reach 91, making the 8 hours he spents bent over picking the fruit almost unbearable. #WeFeedYou
Once she suggested lonely older widows could employ a cucumber and Letterman walked off the show (briefly).
He's on a mission from God.
Unless Biden has a drooling, pants-soiling moment on live air that lasts for more than 1 minute, he will stay on the ballot. If he disintegrates the 25th A will be invoked and Pres. KH will take over with VP-to-be-named later Trans Sec Pete
Even in a society that bans the private ownership of handguns.
¿Quién es Más Macho? Wuff!
Whoever the top of the D ticket is, I'm voting for the party and its policies and not the person. We have procedures in place to elevate VP Harris if tragedy strikes and Biden has a prolonged breakdown i.e. the debate or Mitch McConnell's freezing up on camera.
We just have to pray VP Harris is capable of pushing the old bird aside when the missiles are flying and massive retaliation is the only hope. Keep the coffee fresh and don't let her drink!
A. Biden has a noticeable public 'episode' where not even nuclear war would raise him from his stupor prior to the vote in November. VP Harris replaces him and he resigns b/c of his health. or... B. He don't. Either way I'm voting the straight D ticket on my ballot!
As opposed to a freshly baked halfwit?
The Tom Bradley effect means the true disapproval numbers are even worse. White people actually lie to pollsters about their racial emnity, can you believe THAT?
But don't let me mislead you - you will see this "old fool" deposed and then they can fight over delegates at the convention. It's a matter of time and no more - Biden is being humiliated by his own party. He's not a masochist.
These truthtellers could have challenged the President in primaries and exposed his obvious weakness months ago; yet no one did. It would have been so much less sloppy if these last great warriors for liberty had said something...oh I don't know...BEFORE HE WAS THE PRESUMPTIVE NOMINEE?
"Maxwell House, ga - good to the last drop...eh”
You're right! Fuck Self-Indulgent Silent Generation Bob Dylan motherfuckers, too. Let's make to sure to slime them, too!
Joe Biden Born: November 20, 1942. People born between 1928 and 1945 (termed The Silent Generation) Muhammad Ali, Bob Dylan, Noam Chomsky, Joe Biden, Martin Luther King Jr., and Jimi Hendrix are members of the Silent Generation, and not Boomers.