Uncle Big Bad

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Uncle Big Bad


Be careful what you put in your head
Reposted byAvatar Uncle Big Bad
I’m juggling 2 contractors and a car repair shop this week, so I already applied for credit with a bail bondsman, at the former Pizza Hut.
New Guy doesn’t have scan card access yet trying to piggyback on mine
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person pointing a crossbow at my head: stop putting tom fills in your songs. or else me: no
Reposted byAvatar Uncle Big Bad
thinking about Japanese work wear
Amazing to live in a time when each subspecialty of Silicon Valley tech worship is on the cusp of solving all humanity’s problems and instantaneously birthing a utopian world for us all. So grateful.
A video game where you force an elderly parent to take better care of themselves and they fight you for the right to fade away in a gross cloud of depression.
We are the universe seeking to bang out an entire term paper the night before it’s due.
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108F/44C in the shade here today.
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@raewhite.bsky.social : “are you saying you’re dumpster diving for cis men?” me: “aren’t we all?”
Reposted byAvatar Uncle Big Bad
Apparently saying that Jennifer Lopez is attractive 12 years ago means that your wife will forever refer to her as "your girlfriend"
Reposted byAvatar Uncle Big Bad
slowly painfully punching a hole in the wall because i'm too lazy to get up and open the window
Oddly, the folks who spent their childhoods pretending things were fine are holding up well nowadays.
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I'm a gimmick account but the gimmick is "this girl really has this personality"
Reposted byAvatar Uncle Big Bad
"Hello, welcome to the Badass Punk Craft Fair! We're not like those stuffy old craft fairs, we sell everything: Dead animal parts, bigger dead animal parts, dead animals in jars, structurally unsound kinkwear, the same nude torso candle at ten booths, $70 jewelry made from parts bought at Michaels..
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Same seller has this Twister painting with Bigfoot in it. Gonna see I can cut a deal for both.
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I met my husband scurrying through the dense vegetation of the rainforest floor
The MI DOT uses a Ford Model T to inspect road shoulder conditions in Amish country because it rides like a buggy and is the same width.
I’m done with politics in news media until Election Day. That frog is already boiled.
Reposted byAvatar Uncle Big Bad
You can tell the Moderna Covid vaccine was developed at Vanderbilt because the next morning after the shot I feel like I got beat by 24
If aliens came to earth today, I’m pretty sure Jon Bon Jovi’s hype team would be the first ones there to welcome them.
Imagine how many of us there would be if we could fledge our young in 18 months or so.
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i like bsky because it’s a diverse melting pot of numerous psychiatric disorders
general ignorance of science + insecurity about intelligence + smug science knowledge cops ____________________________ Distrust of science
Every few months I get multiple toxic discourses metastasizing on my timeline at once and I have to decide whether to do the work of cleaning it up, or just give up on it. It gets old.
I appreciate the reminder from rich democrats that all rich people are terrible regardless of their superficial politics.
Bro dost thou even crown thy good with brotherhood?
The last time I remember life being this unstable was in the 70s, and everyone went nuts then too.