
Every “person” you see in this is a job an actor didn’t get. Every “object” you see cost prop masters work. Every “set” you see is a place no crew was paid to work. The machine that made it was trained with stolen images. Fuck this video. Fuck the ghouls who made it. And fuck Toys-R-Us forever.
Private equity absolutely ruined them, they were the canary in the coal mine
they actually got the money to kill toys r us by murdering fao schwartz first
KB Toy Store was one of the first to die a death like this, too. It's a literal pattern.
Didn’t Toys R Us get eviscerated by Venture Capitalists a few years ago? This reeks of the VC “get rid of all humans” mindset
"we care so little about our brand that we let the plagiarism bullshit machine do the work for us 😊 "
No one: Not a living soul: "How much more bankrupt can Toys R Us be?" Toys R Us: THIS MUCH!!!
Biblically accurate bicycle
Private equity killing toys r us wasn't enough, they have to parade the corpse around in their grotesque, talentless displays of brutality
I’m sure it replaced writers, too, because that’s happening in many industries right now, ASK ME HOW I KNOW 😓
Half the job listings I'm seeing for work in creative fields are like "lel use ai we won't be caught crediting you as multiple roles".
Many of the remote writing jobs I’m seeing at the moment are foreign companies wanting someone to train their AI for $6/hr and like…yuck
Yeah, I noticed a lot of listings paying subminimum wage, some of which aren't even remote, but in expensive cities like DC or NYC. I report them when I see them, but the jobs I'm going for are in like film and advertising production.
That’s absolutely crazy town. Figured most of AI has already been “trained” by pulling data from social media & Reddit.
*stealing data. “Pulling” is the euphemism those crooks want us to use.
You’re absolutely right. Thanks for the correction.
Can't say it's surprising from a hollowed-out zombie of a company puppeted by vulture capitalists... but it's still sad to see. Fuck them, and "AI."
But what about the advertising execs leveraging hot button topics to manufacture a viral video? Please won't somebody think of the overpaid advertising execs?
And, also, it's uncanny trash devoid of any semblance of meaning.
Every "time the child's glasses change shape" you see is making a script supervisor question their life choices.
This is absolute infuriating fuckery. Oh my god.
They've turned ToysRUs into a zombie.
It would’ve been so nice if SAG had actually said, across the board, “an actor is a human being” but noooooo
I'm committed to using human actors and writers and artists and treating them fairly for my production. Unlike corporates, I've got no backing. I do have ethics. We're in rehearsals now. My actors can do so very much more than any AI. It's going to be a great show.
Home - Channel 15 Radio dot Slow down. Take your shoes off. Listen to a story. Maybe have tea? We could have pie. And talk about the old days a million miles away. Welcome to our shows. We
We’re going to relaunch the brand , then squat over that brand and take a steaming hot shit right on that brand to basically say “fuck you, your nostalgia will make you shop here regardless “ Don’t. Fuck these PE vultures. Bankrupt these fucks
People are barely going to the movies as it is post Covid. Who thinks a family of 4 will pay $30 per person for a ticket and snacks to watch bad AI? 😅
As if the world wasn’t fake enough before AI
Yuck. Ew. Blech. This is garbage.
Don't forget all the tons of carbon spewed into the air to power the data centers kicking off so much heat to generate and regenerate so many scenes that were unused or deemed unacceptable, on top of the ones eventually used. I'd bet that all in this produced more waste than if they used humans.
Nothing says "we're re-launching as a premium brand" like refusing to do even the most basic payment for their debut.
Companies are shooting themselves in the face. THE ONLY WAY ppl will be able to buy stuff after AI has all the jobs is for companies to pay super high taxes so the Gov can pay universal basic income so we can buy their crap.
I think that the important thing about this KB Toys ad, which is for KB Toys, is that it will improve visibility of the brand, which is KB Toys. Remind your friends.
There must have been some concessions made by Sora with all those branded characters. Also a lot of post production and keying separately created elements. But they don't want you to know that
So after the company went bankrupt in several mayor markets whoever owns the rights now decided to do an origin movie with AI? They could just have stopped at parading the corpse tbh.
I thought they'd gone out of business years ago? (Not that being dead is any excuse for using this shite.)
There are at least 6 different models for the same kid, possibly 7, his shirt changes colors, and at one point, his suspender passes through his shirt. It looks like a videogame cutscene, and yeah, fuck Macy's and Toys R Us
Actors and sets already went digital 20 years ago. It's more likely the AI generation replaces Maya and Renderman TBH. Real sets and real people are already a high cost, high status input. Btw, there were a lot of complaints about that technology, too! But good performers are still in demand.
I don’t know if you work anywhere near the actual entertainment industry, but as someone who does, let me assure you — what you said is not even remotely true. While there are a few VFX-heavy shoots every year, the overwhelming majority of productions are still real actors on real sets.
These shoots create hundreds of jobs per show, tens of thousands of jobs every year. Technology has definitely changed the way we make movies and TV, and that’s fine. These AI thieves are violating copyrights on a massive scale, trying to use our past work to end all future work.
I'm glass half full. The audience wants novelty. Technology will generate the low value content, and people will generate the good stuff. There will be more stuff in total. (That's a different problem though!) On copyright, which specific work is being infringed here?
I kind of assume this video is awful, but I won’t even give it a viral view to confirm that.
I don't wanna grow up Cause maybe if i did I'd have to watch and destroy this vid
Not defending Toys-r-us but every photograph you see cost a painter work.
Also, isn’t it pretty well established already that “Sora” can’t actually do any of this, and it’s almost certainly been edited to hell and back by someone who isn’t getting credit?
we will soon find out how many person-hours were still required to bludgeon this monstrosity together. there will be no time or cost savings.