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No, I haven’t given any thought to a description
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Pretty happy with these color predictions 🔥
Rewatching Dune 2, and I watched Furiosa about two weeks ago. Over the last year, I’ve seen Oppenheimer, Barbie, American Fiction, and some other movies made for theaters. Loved em all. I wonder how long they keep getting made. Streaming ain’t making those movies.
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Reposted byAvatar Sluggard
One of the most interesting things about this story is that the hacker allegedly gained access to "a database intended for law enforcement to identify owners of specific Tile trackers." I've had LE complain that they couldn't ID owners of specific trackers in the past.
Life360 confirms a hacker stole Tile tracker IDs and customer Law enforcement apparently had access to Tile’s database.
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Bigfoot, the most famous of The Encryptids, values his privacy. But being private doesn't mean hiding away in a forest! Instead, we should be able to reveal what we want on our own terms.
Shhh. Did you hear that? EFF’s summer membership drive for internet freedom has begun! Gather round the virtual campfire because I’ve got special treats and a story from the legendary Bigfoot de la Sasquatch.
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Three days after it was revealed that this guy's license was wrongly listed as suspended due to a clerical error, none of the publications listed here (NYT, WP, NYP, USA Today, BBC, CNN, Fox, MSNBC) have issued corrections or updates.
The viral story about a defendant driving with a suspended license was fake Corey Harris' case should never have been a national news story to begin with.
I saw Furiosa at a large theater this weekend 1. The visuals were great 2. The acting and the action was great 3. My location was mostly empty 4. I’m glad I saw it on a big screen 5. We might not get many more movies like this; the market is moving differently :(
Reposted byAvatar Sluggard
Today’s #DogWalkReport 1. Local sniffing 2. Neighbors she likes. Skritches 3. Dog she likes! Bark party 4. Long walk to park 5. Water break 6. Walk through woods with lots of sniff breaks 7. Met strange dogs. Behaved well. Treats 8. Water break 2. 9. SQUIRRELS! 10. HOME! Nap by window
Just watched Shin Masked Rider last night (on Prime). The director clearly loves animation and the original (non-animated) Kamen Rider series. There’s no ironic winks at the audience—it’s played straight—but it’s over the top. Think of Power Rangers taken seriously, with gore added in.
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Critically Endangered sawfish, a shark-like ray with a hedge trimmer on their face, are spinning in circles until they die. I spoke with experts about what's going on, unprecedented rescue attempts, and how you can help. Please read and share. 🧪🦑🌎🦈
Critically Endangered sawfish are spinning in circles until they die. What the heck is going on? – Southern Fried
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Reposted byAvatar Sluggard
My latest cartoon for New Scientist.
I don’t even know what Nakatomi is (other than an ill-fated Plaza in LA)
THIS MACHINE KILLS A.I. Real artists aren't 'gatekeeping art'-all you need is a pencil, and BOOM, you're an artist. I am so serious- I'M GIVING YOU THE PENCIL for free! Buy ANYTHING on Nakatomi, or send us a Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope and we'll send you one!
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All these companies promoting “ai assistants” want you to imagine how great it would be if you had a servant who made up lies and also sold all your information to Facebook and the government.
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Happy Mother's Day
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This meme combines two of my favorite things and therefore I share it.
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The Russian government copy pasted Wikipedia to a new site, censored the articles, then banned the original Wikipedia. Head of new Russian government Wikipedia is the old admin of real Russian Wikipedia
Russia Clones Wikipedia, Censors It, Bans Ruviki is intended to be a more “trustworthy” source of information for Russians by editing out anything that makes the Russian government look bad.
Reposted byAvatar Sluggard
NEWS: My friends and I now own and run The Onion. I’ll be the CEO. We’re keeping the entire staff, bringing back The Onion News Network, and will share the wealth with staff. Basically, we’re going to let them do whatever they want. Get excited.
The Onion Is Sold by G/O The satirical news website was bought by a new firm in Chicago that took inspiration for its name, Global Tetrahedron, from a book written by The Onion’s staff.
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Reposted byAvatar Sluggard