
Probably because when she ran for votes in a primary she got destroyed. She’s only in that position because she got picked by Biden. She’s got 0 charisma and the political instincts of hillary Clinton.
There are lines of college students waiting to hear Kamala speak everywhere she goes across the country. You have no goddamn idea what you're talking about.
The reality is, none of us do. We can’t know what her polling numbers would truly be until she actually became the candidate. Of course, this is also true of any alternative candidate people might suggest.
That's your opinion. Others' mileage may vary.
You are electing an official who makes decisions for your lives. Charisma has fuckall to do with anything. It's not a popularity contest. The fact that it is turned into it shows why the whole thing needs to be scrapped and started anew.
Totally disagree. I think she has plenty of charisma, loads more than Hillary. Also Biden ran for president and got destroyed in 88 and 08. Nixon, Reagan, Bush all ran and lost before winning. That’s no measure. Totally different as an incumbent.