A Sentient Pile of Spaghetti

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A Sentient Pile of Spaghetti


When the France election results are good
i love how it was trivial for one guy to call up all the candidates in 2020 and get them to step away so biden could make sure we don't get medicare for all, but now we can't possibly figure out how to select a replacement for biden. nope. can't be done. who could arrange such a thing.
Remember how the "retail theft crime wave" disappeared as soon as companies had to do their annual reports? That's because it's illegal to lie to shareholders. AI is booming (if you're a pleb) but if you have money - Goldman Sachs will be honest with you instead web.archive.org/web/20240629...
i don't get why people haven't been having this reaction to a court decision ever since they ignored the clear language of the fourth & fifth amendments to allow civil forfeiture. like...that's specifically what it says the government can't fucking do. specifically.
Democrats: (watching one offramp after another go by marked "brick wall, three exits, brick wall two exits, brick wall last exit) OH MY GOD WE'RE ABOUT TO HIT A BRICK WALL!!!
As diabolical as the court's immunity ruling is, it more or less just makes explicit what's always been true. The President can't be held accountable for crime, because it's a requirement of the job to commit war crimes. You can't have a President afraid of going to jail & run an empire.
not saying this is at all likely to happen, but if Biden walks up to the podium at the convention and announces he's dropping out, the lights go down and into the spotlight strides Michelle Obama...everyone at the convention and in the beltway / NY media will immediately jizz themselves to death.
A true artist and a truly sweet man. RIP, MM.
A lot of Democrats are surprisingly firm in their commitment to riding a flaming airliner all the way into the side of a mountain. Storm the cockpit? Use a parachute? Nope. The pilot knows what he's doing. Keep quiet and enjoy the view.
my glasses are in the shop so i can't really see what you guys are replying to my awesome posts. i assume it's all positive because you're the best. 😍
MSNBC is seriously discussing a replacement for Biden on the ticket. This could be serious, folks.
the "squad" needs to treat the right wing of the democratic party with the same contempt it treats them. stop sharing money with them. stop treating them as good-faith partners. destroy them. progressives in congress were supposed to give the center-left a foothold to build from, not stagnate.
The New York Democratic Party can’t shift a Republican out of his seat for love or money but they’ll move heaven and earth to boot a progressive black guy in favor of a Reagan Democrat racist
MA Democrats have a trifecta. What have they done with it? Passed a bunch of tax cuts. Nixed proposals to enable cities and towns to fund affordable housing out of a mix of patrician contempt that always feels dipped in racism, spinelessness, and corruption. www.bostonglobe.com/2024/06/24/m...
Mass. Senate unveils $5.2 billion housing bond bill, excluding real estate transfer fee - The Boston Globewww.bostonglobe.com The Senate's version dashes the hopes of housing advocates and pleases the powerful real estate industry that had lobbied hard against the idea.
found out what the cute chubby little chirpy fuckers that keep visiting my yard are called. bush tits. lol.
Contender for favorite chart of all time: Predictions vs. Reality for solar energy.
wolf has so many brain worms it took me five minutes to figure out wtf she was talking about. she hates lamps? townhouses??
did bluesky make this movie? holy crap. the sarah snook performance is incredible.
No we don't! You can't just say this in your headline and then not quote a single archaeologist in the article!
What?!? "American has previously issued new flight attendants a 'courtesy' letter..In it, the company says that flight attendants only earn $27,315, and asks the reader to provide courtesy where they can. Having dealt with landlords, I’m sure they’ll all accept this piece of paper in lieu of rent."
I knew flight attendants get screwed with pay per “flight hour” but I really did not know just how little they take home. These are below poverty wages for what is a stressful, full time job
American Airlines Flight Attendants Can't Afford Food, Shelterjalopnik.com Flight attendants earn just $27,315 a year, and are ready to strike about it
Having worked on major entertainment franchises, I learned they always have the option of simply burning their brand to the ground in exchange for short-term profits. You can ship a pile of crap with the brand on it & get rich. Once. This feels like all of tech right now.
stonks are down this morning. guess why.
wall street loves it when people are out of work. they're operating on the outdated view that it's wages driving inflation when it's actually record profits. this is a zero-sum game, and we're losing. www.msn.com/en-us/money/...