Hare & The Chasms

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Hare & The Chasms


New here, please be patient!

Autistic, long covid, in burnout, and losing shelter again.

Chronic pain, anxiety, and polyfragmented DID.

Also, cats! 🐱💗✨

From the dying bird app (same @)!

Look at this 🥺💗✨
This is from a 1950s coloring book about the three little kittens who lost their mittens. I love the addition of this fabulous Auntie Katie character.
This makes sense to me, lol
6yo believes that as you start to go to sleep various parts of your body start to shut down in sequence, and I like this idea very much because as she climbs into bed she says “oh, there goes my bones”
Wolf-shaped stain follows you while on a walk, ambling across every surface necessary to keep pace with you. It slips into your home as scratches in your floor, becoming the weave of your rug. The next morning it’s on your arm as a tattoo. After that is when it starts to eat.
Look at this cutie! 💗
kit filled in for me while I was pacing around during a call
My family really needs to get our pain & mental health meds, cat food and litter. Please consider don8ting a buck or sharing, it would mean the world to us! 🐱 ko-fi.com/thechasms
Support The Chasms & Cascades on Ko-fi! ❤️. ko-fi.com/thechasmsko-fi.com Thank you so much for helping our family survive!!! 💗
Stable housing did more for my chaotic drug use than any amount of rehab ever did.
Spending 100k to clean up a homeless camp is wild when you're just gonna complain about spending another 100k to clean up the next spot everyone moves to. Maybe it would be cheaper to provide housing without making people pass a piss test 🤷
We love cats, our partners, all animals, all kinds of art, Stardew Valley, unicorns, all things rainbow, learning about people’s special interests, learning anything new, talking about cats (this will come up a lot, lol), seeing pics of your cats, talking about plurality and DID, and lots more! 💗✨
I think one thing a lot of cis people do not get is that there is not one singular trans narrative and one singular way trans people conceive of and relate to our lives pre-transition. You cannot assume you know how any one trans person feels unless they tell you.
Remove dates of when you graduated college, and remove dates on jobs that go back more than 10-15 years. Summarize those as "other previous positions include..." and just list the titles and companies. Again: did this with my mom's resumes and she started getting calls again. I also do it on mine
My wife (early 40s) is job hunting and it seems to be an issue already. Do you have any suggestions? Many thanks.
Excuse me sir that is not how cats sit
See a tortie, share a tortie
Agreed 😤💗✨
If you get superpowers and you don't go full vigilante supervillain, I don't even know if we have anything in common. There is just so. much. bullshit.
We did this for antibiotics and a swath of other drugs. It's important your vet specifies on the script which TYPE of drug is pet safe, but most vets worth their salt will support you saving money. <3
A tip from someone with six animals who spent, unfortunately, 21k on vet bills last year. MANY prescriptions animals are put on (gabapentin comes immediately to mind) are human drugs. Paper prescriptions + the goodrx app for coupons will get you a lot of vet medicines for under ten bucks.
So very important, especially for us spoonies. 😓
I understand why we compliment perseverance as an attribute but I'd just like to shout out FUCKING QUITTING, too. Like. Walking away from something that makes you miserable is powerful stuff. Sisyphus isn't an aspirational goal.
Babies! 💗💗💗
Aw, cat cats having a little sunbath and grooming session! Lady has been accepted as an honorary cat when it comes to naps and sunbeams; she is both polite and warm. They have given up on trying to groom her (that's my job) but I do catch them washing her face sometimes (they have a point).
Idk what this is, but seems like it could help someone so sharing! 💗
ATTENTION VISUAL ARTISTS: Chicago University's 'Nightshade 1.0' Learning Algorithm 'poison' filter is now live for public use: Unlike 'Glaze', which only makes your art irreplicable, Nightshade actively damages any learning database it gets added to. nightshade.cs.uchicago.edu/downloads.html
See a tortie, share a tortie
Remember kids: see a tortie, share a tortie
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