Steve B. Holt

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Steve B. Holt

Associate Professor. Public Management, Education Policy, Econometrics.
Welp. Ya gotta hand it to her.
One of the most annoying contemporary trends in tech is that pop-ups have made a sudden come-back not on websites on the internet, but on your locally installed software for doing mundane stuff like, "using your operating system" and "reading a fucking pdf."
It's gotta be really awkward sitting in faculty meetings with a guy whose shoddy, non-peer-reviewed work with unreported conflicts of interest is the reason your child is spending their school time in live shooter drills.
Describing number 1 here as treacly only seems possible with a superficial understanding of a song that is, ultimately, about the lamentations of allowing a relationship to grow bitter, cold, and distant.
Name a song you hate: 1. Leonard Cohen, "Hallelujah" 2. Don McLean, "American Pie" 3. Starship, "We Built This City" Now, some will argue that 1 & 2 are Actually Good and certainly not as bad as 3. I'm here to tell you that you are wrong and all three songs are treacly pieces of garbage.
Tell me this isn't someone from Batman's pantheon of villains. Go on, try and say it sincerely.
NEW: Giuliani’s mugshot from Arizona fake-electors case (via Zachary Cohen, CNN)
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Congrats to Mallory Compton, Matthew Young, Justin Bullock, and Robert Greer, winners of AOM-PNP's 2024 Best Journal Article Award for "Administrative Errors and Race: Can Technology Mitigate Inequitable Administrative Outcomes?" #AOM2024
Babe, what's wrong? You've barely touched your Cheez-It milkshake.
Lol, the guy largely funding the authoritarian movement in the US that's driving the instability is hedging his citizenship bets.
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The purest case of class warfare.
My latest is a look at billionaire-led efforts to dismantle the National Labor Relations Board. Most people don't seem to know this is happening, and I find that really concerning. also weighs in with some anti-fascist analysis.
Billionaires' Blitz: The Battle to Dismantle Worker “If there was ever an example of corporations participating in historically fascist tactics, going after labor unions would be it,” says Shane Burley.
This sentence, about the ability for the lawmakers to control sports betting advertising, could be written about a large & growing number of core societal problems in the US. It can't be overstated how bad it is for democracy that the members of gov we can vote for cannot try to solve our problems.
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Wow, the Indiana Court of Appeals has decided that the state abortion ban violates the religious liberty of religious plaintiffs who sued under a state religious freedom restoration act. Its decision on RFRA begins at p.45
RIP Chance Perdomo. Such a tragedy.
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"No one I spoke to for this piece could name a recent sizable pedestrianization or traffic-reduction scheme that had been reversed once it had been given time to have an effect."
Stranger danger was coming from inside the (police) house, it turns out.
1,800 cops charged with child sexual abuse in the last two decades, targeting mainly teen girls they encountered as a part of their work, according to the Washington Post. The Post leads with the story of a teen girl assaulted by a cop who was processing her rape kit from a different assault.
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As you may recall from the other day, it is essential to the future of the university that academics fully and unquestioningly incorporate LLMs into their teaching and research practice
Early and imperfect evidence, but it's possible that the "what if the craziest crank in our community gets to run our schools" fever might be subsiding. Fewer than a third of Mom's 4 Liberty endorsed candidates won.
How did school board candidates endorsed by Moms for Liberty perform in 2023? | Founded only three years ago, Moms for Liberty (M4L) has become a well-known, polarizing organization in U.S. education politics.
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7 years ago today: Trump fires prosecutors including US attorney in Manhattan 6 years ago: Trump letter inviting Putin to pageant revealed; tanks not included in DC parade 5 years ago: House Judiciary investigating Trump 4 years ago: Trump "playing down [COVID] risks and immersing himself in feuds"
7 years ago today: Controversy over whether DOJ was investigating Trump 6 years ago: Revealed that Michael Cohen used Trump Org email to arrange Stormy Daniels $ 5 years ago: Judge issues order in border family separation case 4 years ago: Trump refuses to cancel rallies as COVID outbreak spreads
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Just so we are clear what the agenda is and how the media is helping with the moral panic about wokeness and DEI: the goal is for an authoritarian party to shut down any independent sources of dissent
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Breaking news: The Biden administration announced Friday that it will hit Russia with hundreds of new sanctions after the death of dissident Alexei Navalny, aiming to constrict the billions of dollars in energy revenue that have financed President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine.
U.S. imposes more than 500 new Russia sanctions after Navalny The Treasury Department on Friday announced an aggressive expansion of existing financial penalties.
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What is the worldview behind “Project 2025”?   I wrote about the Heritage president’s “Promise to America,” the foreword to the “Project 2025” report, which precisely captures the radicalizing siege mentality on the Right.   New piece:   🧵1/
“Project 2025” Promises Revenge, Oppression, and Autocratic The Right’s plans for a return to power are driven by a radicalizing siege mentality and a desperate desire to restore dominance
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It's a really bad sign when Trump is like, "I will end democracy in America and pursue my political enemies," and Stephen Miller is drawing up plans to purge the civil service and engage in mass deportation, and anytime you try to defend Biden, a bunch of people say "What about Gaza?"
"Check out my sculpture of a sculptor unveiling his sculpture of Jesus."
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Check out a new Annenberg EdWorkingPaper from Andrea Headley,, and myself: "On the Margin: Who Receives a Juvenile Referral in School and What Effect Does It Have?"
Public transit and walking both faster than driving. Granada stays winning.
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Busing students to the suburbs has benefits for those being bused and no downside for the rest. Read more about this great work from Tufts own Elizabeth Setren
My modification is that they are representatives of a movement that wishes to undo the entire federal apparatus since the New Deal, is aware they are a minority faction that can't do it electorally, and would like to do it all the same. That is, judicial power is merely a tool, not an end itself.