Steven Goldman

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Steven Goldman

Casey Stengel biographer. Shanty Hogan chronicler. Infinite Inning podcast host. Baseball Prospectus author and Consulting Editor. Collector of far too many books. |
We continue to crawl towards the wreckage. Some of us just have an affinity for failure... I possibly just revealed more about my life's trajectory than I intended, but so be it.
Listening to Biden speak. Will he DO something, or just complain?
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March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
Reposted byAvatar Steven Goldman
The Court has purported to strip us of all legal recourse for crimes committed by the most powerful person in the nation. Each and every one of us is now, effectively, at the mercy of an autocrat, who could order our death if he simply made the pretense of connecting it to his official duties.
Criminal law probably functioned as some kind of deterrent on abuses of presidential power, and that deterrent is now gone. But even if that weren't true, today's ruling would be an appalling display of contempt for the American people and for the basic principles on which this country rests.
Reposted byAvatar Steven Goldman
SCOTUS is clearly banking on a Trump win and giving him the tools to remain in power once he does. This is a do or die moment. We either stop squabbling amongst ourselves and beat MAGA or it's over. Those are the stakes.
Aaron Boone is no Casey Stengel (Casey would have PH for Davis).
Isn't it amazing how, with Juan Soto out of the lineup, this year's Yankees transform into last year's Yankees?
Reposted byAvatar Steven Goldman
if joe biden does not start every debate response with “I don’t need to check with my probation officer to say” then man what are we even doing here
Reposted byAvatar Steven Goldman
Anyway good luck to jurors, the judge, court staff, and prosecutors, and all their families, with not getting murdered, and thanks to FedSoc types for bringing us to the brink of fascism so you could weaken Chevron deference
Anyway the most recent former President of the United States has been found guilty of felonies and now there’s a substantial chance people are going to die because his followers are freaks and the so-called “mainstream” GOP will just shrug and blame woke or something.
Every time the Times trial live feed flashes an update I think, "The verdict's in!" and my adrenaline jumps, but it's mostly, "These are the kinds of cheeses that deliberating juries tend to like on their sandwiches." Guys, that can really wait until after. Can the, pardon the expression, filler.
Family matters have me patching like a Marlins GM, but a through-line emerges. Infinite Inning 285: One Bad Day is Just One Bad Day. Tiny Bonham and William Shakespeare revisited, Steve Trout, Don Mattingly, 20-run losses, and dealing with loss.
Infinite Inning 286: One Bad Day is Just One Bad Tiny Bonham and William Shakespeare revisited, Steve Trout, Don Mattingly, 20-run losses, and dealing with loss. The Infinite Inning is not only about baseball but a state of mind. Steven Goldman dis...
It's not the death of democracy that bothers me the most. It's not even that those of us who LIKE democracy are just expected to take it, but that we're killing democracy for THIS FUCKING GUY, that's the part that's impossible to accept.
The 1927 Red Sox and 1937 Browns were the 2024 US Supreme Court of bad teams. I know that analogy makes no sense but I was just sorting through my mental lists of "Entities so terrible they make you want to puke." Honestly, it's unfair to those teams, who were just trying to play a little catch.
And now a high-tension scoreless tie in the Bronx will be utterly deflated by the imposition of the Manfred Man.
These two long-ago teams weren't what caused the Browns, the Brooklyn version of the Dodgers, or the dinosaurs to go extinct, but they did play some of the weirder games/players of the Teddy Roosevelt and Taft administrations. Do all bad teams correlate to Republican presidencies? You be the judge!
The Dodgers are still figuring it out.
Sitting in an ER waiting room. A perhaps not-so-mentally-stable guy wished us well as he was ushered out, shouting, "I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY YOUR FREE CASE OF MRSA! YOU CAN LOOK IT UP!" I thought, "Wow, what were the chances I would run into a fellow Casey Stengel disciple here?"
Reposted byAvatar Steven Goldman
"Oh, boy! Glasnow!" I said to my wife as we turned on tonight's Dodgers game.
"Wake up, mein fuhrer! General Kesselring has stopped the Allies cold at Monte Cassino!"
im sorry, what
The latest Infinite Inning marvels at the age of the famous ambulance horse and an uncharacteristically wild (but still dominant) Christy Mathewson, considers a rebel high school player cited in "The Greening of America" and scouts upstate NY MAGA country.
Yankees at Guardians: How many 3-2-3 double plays do you see in a typical season? One? None? Alex Verdugo just hit into one.