I dug coal with Baby Billy

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I dug coal with Baby Billy


I like bakeries
Trump and Vance should get along well because they'll both say literally anything to benefit themselves
I was today years old when I learned that former race car driver Danica Patrick is a fucking insane right winger who believes the world is being run by a lizard people conspiracy and has an Alex Jones-level YouTube channel
This is the lamest shit I've ever seen
National Review has introduced Alito flags. They’re very real. Each costs $197. www.nationalreview.com/2024/06/intr...
Scott Stapp as Frank Sinatra is...something
The cast of the new Reagan movie is something else. Not sure what's my favorite, but casting Robert Davi as Leonid Brezhnev is certainly a choice. I bet he plays him as a Fedora Guy.
I wish I had the patience of Jamelle Bouie
Democrats in this state find new and exciting ways to fail every election
NEW: The Kentucky Court of Appeals has reversed a Jefferson Circuit decision, ruling that Louisville state Rep. Nima Kulkarni is ineligible for Democratic primary. Here's her reaction, and that of the attorney for the petitioner: www.lpm.org/news/2024-05... #kyga24
Kentucky Appeals Court rules Louisville Rep. Kulkarni ineligible for Democratic primarywww.lpm.org The Kentucky Court of Appeals has reversed a Jefferson Circuit decision to deny a petition to disqualify Kulkarni’s candidacy over an error on her form when she filed.
Had an employee who thought Helen Keller was faking it/made up and it was all I could do to not fire her on the spot.
special good morning to all the bold heterodox thinkers and truth tellers out there
Happy Ides of March to all who celebrate!
when your son brings up the feet pics in your browser history
Gaetz and Santos are fuckin', right?
Whenever weird gamer types are like “they would have never survived a modern warfare lobby” I know in my heart that they would have crumpled if they had to experience being even a little bit fruity in middle school
its probably cool and good that a wing of the biggest health insurance company has been down for a week for a ransomware attack and there's been like 2 articles about it
Give me footnotes or give me death.
"That being said, she is a satanist..." is one of the funniest things I've ever read
well...for first time in pushing 10 years now, had a parent imply that I lied to her about her insurance options. Its really hard not to tell people to fuck off when they basically accuse you of lying when you told them someone else was mistaken!
Alice's Restaurant
What is the worst answer a potential match on Tinder/Bumble/Hinge/etc could give to the question, "What is your go-to karaoke song?" (I will shortly share the actual worst possible answer, received by a friend yesterday.)
Maybe Biden should just accelerate the resolution on this "presidents should have complete immunity" argument and order a drone strike on Mar A Lago and let's see who stays committed to that stance
@502eire.lol I know you said you'd already seen some of his recent posts but uh
I'd just like to restate a theory that is probably not that controversial but that got my entire class out of taking a final when I said it: MLK is celebrated and got as much backing and acceptance as he did in large part because people were terrified of people like Malcolm X and the Black Panthers
reviewing the financials for work, and the budget I set for income was within 0.4% of the actual for the year. Not bad for a history major.
I'm sorry Ackman now one of the most captivating posters alive and I'll be reading every single word he writes - "yeah while I'm answering why my wife gave epstein an "orb" let me address the separate "actor cuckold" allegations as well". This reads like an early Javier Marias novel. A+
going through old photos from our trip to Seattle and this one really stood out
made the mistake of going on facebook and the local paper had a dumb "quit complaining on facebook and run for office rarrr" post and out of compulsion I had to shit on it
I didn't photoshop this at all. Also it explains an awful lot
I've been working from home because my dog blew his ACL and had to have surgery, and holy shit am I more productive here
prayers to office folks dealing with insurance companies this week. I know as customers your wait time is horrible, but it is so much worse as a provider because they want to keep you (relatively) happy so they can get your money. They don't want to pay us shit and don't want to talk to us AT ALL
Just a reminder that if you need to get health insurance the enrollment period ends tomorrow. If you need help understanding all that shit, I am happy to help
so looks like this guy might have to have some leg surgery. Cannot put to words how much this has just ruined my entire day, month, year...whatever.
have a meeting in 30 minutes so now I'm in limbo where its useless to start anything now because I'll have to stop in 30 minutes